
Awesome works on hand pose estimation/hand tracking

Primary LanguagePython

Awesome Works on Hand Pose Estimation

Table of Contents

Evaluation codes

See folder evaluation to get more details about performance evaluation for hand pose estimation.

arXiv Papers

[arXiv:1708.03416] Pose Guided Structured Region Ensemble Network for Cascaded Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF]

Xinghao Chen, Guijin Wang, Hengkai Guo, Cairong Zhang

[arXiv:1707.07248] Towards Good Practices for Deep 3D Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Code]

Hengkai Guo, Guijin Wang, Xinghao Chen, Cairong Zhang

[arXiv:1707.03742] Large-scale Multiview 3D Hand Pose Dataset. [PDF]

Francisco Gomez-Donoso, Sergio Orts-Escolano and Miguel Cazorla

[arXiv:1707.02237] The 2017 Hands in the Million Challenge on 3D Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF]

Shanxin Yuan, Qi Ye, Guillermo Garcia-Hernando, Tae-Kyun Kim

[arXiv:1705.09606] End-to-end Global to Local CNN Learning for Hand Pose Recovery in Depth data. [PDF]

Meysam Madadi, Sergio Escalera, Xavier Baro, Jordi Gonzalez

[arXiv:1705.05301] Back to RGB: 3D tracking of hands and hand-object interactions based on short-baseline stereo. [PDF]

Paschalis Panteleris, Antonis Argyros

[arXiv:1705.01389] Learning to Estimate 3D Hand Pose from Single RGB Images. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Christian Zimmermann, Thomas Brox

[arXiv:1704.02224] Hand3D: Hand Pose Estimation using 3D Neural Network. [PDF] [Project Page]

Xiaoming Deng*, Shuo Yang*, Yinda Zhang*, Ping Tan, Liang Chang, Hongan Wang

[arXiv:1704.02201] Real-time Hand Tracking under Occlusion from an Egocentric RGB-D Sensor. [PDF]

Franziska Mueller, Dushyant Mehta, Oleksandr Sotnychenko, Srinath Sridhar, Dan Casas, Christian Theobalt

[arXiv:1612.00596] Learning to Search on Manifolds for 3D Pose Estimation of Articulated Objects. [PDF]

Yu Zhang, Chi Xu, Li Cheng

[arXiv:1511.06728] Hand Pose Estimation through Semi-Supervised and Weakly-Supervised Learning. [PDF]

Natalia Neverova, Christian Wolf, Florian Nebout, Graham Taylor

Conference Papers

2017 CVPR

Hand Keypoint Detection in Single Images using Multiview Bootstrapping. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Tomas Simon, Hanbyul Joo, Iain Matthews, Yaser Sheikh

Crossing Nets: Dual Generative Models with a Shared Latent Space for Hand Pose. Estimation. [PDF]

Chengde Wan, Thomas Probst, Luc Van Gool, Angela Yao

Big Hand 2.2M Benchmark: Hand Pose Data Set and State of the Art Analysis. [PDF]

Shanxin Yuan, Qi Ye, Bjorn Stenger, Siddhand Jain, Tae-Kyun Kim

3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient and Robust Hand Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images.[PDF] [Project Page]

Liuhao Ge, Hui Liang, Junsong Yuan and Daniel Thalmann

2017 Others

[2017 BMVC] Hand Pose Learning: Combining Deep Learning and Hierarchical Refinement for 3D Hand Pose Estimation. [[PDF]]

Min-Yu Wu, Ya Hui Tang, Pai-Wei Ting and Li-Chen Fu

[2017 BMVC] Generative 3D Hand Tracking with Spatially Constrained Pose Sampling. [PDF] [Project Page]

Konstantinos Roditakis, Alexandros Makris and Antonis Argyros

[2017 ICRA] Learning a deep network with spherical part model for 3D hand pose estimation. [PDF]

Tzu-Yang Chen, Pai-Wen Ting, Min-Yu Wu, Li-Chen Fu

[2017 ICIP] Region Ensemble Network: Improving Convolutional Network for Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Code]

Hengkai Guo, Guijin Wang, Xinghao Chen, Cairong Zhang, Fei Qiao, Huazhong Yang

[2017 FG] Occlusion aware hand pose recovery from sequences of depth images. [PDF] [Slide]

Meysam Madadi, Sergio Escalera, Alex Carruesco Llorens, Carlos Andujar, Xavier Baro, Jordi Gonzalez

[2017 FG] 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation from Depth with Convolutional Neural Networks. [PDF] [Project Page]

Duncan Goudie, Aphrodite Galata

2016 ECCV

Spatial Attention Deep Net with Partial PSO for Hierarchical Hybrid Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Project Page]

Qi Ye*, Shanxin Yuan*, Tae-Kyun Kim

Hand Pose Estimation from Local Surface Normals. [PDF]

Chengde Wan, Angela Yao, and Luc Van Gool

Real-time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Object from RGB-D Input. [PDF] [Project Page]

Srinath Sridhar, Franziska Mueller, Michael Zollhöfer, Dan Casas, Antti Oulasvirta, Christian Theobalt

2016 Others

[2016 ICPR] Depth-based 3D hand pose tracking. [PDF]

Kha Gia Quach, Chi Nhan Duong, Khoa Luu, and Tien D. Bui.

[2016 IJCAI] Model-based Deep Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Xingyi Zhou, Qingfu Wan, Wei Zhang, Xiangyang Xue, Yichen Wei

[2016 SIGGRAPH] Efficient and precise interactive hand tracking through joint, continuous optimization of pose and correspondences. [PDF]

Jonathan Taylor et al.

[2016 SIGGRAPH Asia] Sphere-Meshes for Real-Time Hand Modeling and Tracking. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Anastasia Tkach, Mark Pauly, Andrea Tagliasacchi

2016 CVPR

Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation in Single Depth Images: From Single-View CNN to Multi-View CNNs. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Liuhao Ge, Hui Liang, Junsong Yuan, Daniel Thalmann

DeepHand: Robust Hand Pose Estimation by Completing a Matrix Imputed With Deep Features. [PDF][Project Page]

Ayan Sinha*, Chiho Choi*, Karthik Ramani

Efficiently Creating 3D Training Data for Fine Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Markus Oberweger, Gernot Riegler, Paul Wohlhart, Vincent Lepetit

Fits Like a Glove: Rapid and Reliable Hand Shape Personalization. [PDF] [Project Page]

David Joseph Tan, Thomas Cashman, Jonathan Taylor, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Daniel Tarlow, Sameh Khamis, Shahram Izadi, Jamie Shotton

2015 ICCV

Training a Feedback Loop for Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Project Page]

Markus Oberweger, Paul Wohlhart, Vincent Lepetit

Opening the Black Box: Hierarchical Sampling Optimization for Estimating Human Hand Pose. [PDF]

Danhang Tang, Jonathan Taylor, Pushmeet Kohli, Cem Keskin, Tae-Kyun Kim, Jamie Shotton

Depth-based hand pose estimation: data, methods, and challenges. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

James Supancic III, Deva Ramanan, Gregory Rogez, Yi Yang, Jamie Shotton

3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Randomized Decision Forest with Segmentation Index Points. [PDF]

Peiyi Li, Haibin Ling

A collaborative filtering approach to real-time hand pose estimation. [PDF] [Project Page]

Chiho Choi, Ayan Sinha, Joon Hee Choi, Sujin Jang, Karthik Ramani

Lending A Hand: Detecting Hands and Recognizing Activities in Complex Egocentric Interactions. [PDF]

Sven Bambach, Stefan Lee, David Crandall, Chen Yu

Understanding Everyday Hands in Action from RGB-D Images. [PDF]

Gregory Rogez, James Supancic III, Deva Ramanan

2015 CVPR

Cascaded Hand Pose Regression. [PDF]

Xiao Sun, Yichen Wei, Shuang Liang, Xiaoou Tang, and Jian Sun

Fast and Robust Hand Tracking Using Detection-Guided Optimization. [PDF] [Project Page]

Srinath Sridhar, Franziska Mueller, Antti Oulasvirta, Christian Theobalt

Learning an Efficient Model of Hand Shape Variation from Depth Images. [PDF]

Sameh Khamis, Jonathan Taylor, Jamie Shotton, Cem Keskin, Shahram Izadi, Andrew Fitzgibbon

2015 Others

[2015 CHI] Accurate, Robust, and Flexible Real-time Hand Tracking. [PDF] [Project Page]

Toby Sharp, Cem Keskin, Duncan Robertson, Jonathan Taylor, Jamie Shotton, David Kim, Christoph Rhemann, Ido Leichter, Alon Vinnikov, Yichen Wei, Daniel Freedman, Pushmeet Kohli, Eyal Krupka, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Shahram Izadi

[2015 CVWW]Hands Deep in Deep Learning for Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Markus Oberweger, Paul Wohlhart, Vincent Lepetit

[2015 FG]Combining Discriminative and Model Based Approaches for Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Project Page]

Philip Krejov, Andrew Gilbert, Richard Bowden

[2015 SGP] Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Anastasia Tkach, Mark Pauly, Andrea Tagliasacchi

2014 CVPR

Realtime and robust hand tracking from depth. [PDF] [Project Page]

Chen Qian, Xiao Sun, Yichen Wei, Xiaoou Tang and Jian Sun

Latent regression forest: Structured estimation of 3d articulated hand posture. [PDF] [Project Page]

Danhang Tang, Hyung Jin Chang, Alykhan Tejani, T-K. Kim

User-specific hand modeling from monocular depth sequences. [PDF] [Project Page]

Jonathan Taylor, Richard Stebbing, Varun Ramakrishna, Cem Keskin, Jamie Shotton, Shahram Izadi, Aaron Hertzmann, Andrew Fitzgibbon

Evolutionary Quasi-random Search for Hand Articulations Tracking. [PDF] [Project Page]

Iason Oikonomidis, Manolis IA Lourakis, Antonis A Argyros

2014 Others & Before

[2014 SIGGRAPH] Real-Time Continuous Pose Recovery of Human Hands Using Convolutional Networks. [PDF] [Project Page]

Jonathan Tompson, Murphy Stein, Yann Lecun and Ken Perlin

[2013 ICCV] Real-time Articulated Hand Pose Estimation using Semi-supervised Transductive Regression Forests. [PDF] [Project Page]

Danhang Tang, Tsz Ho Yu and T-K. Kim

[2013 ICCV] Interactive Markerless Articulated Hand Motion Tracking Using RGB and Depth Data. [PDF] [Project Page]

Srinath Sridhar, Antti Oulasvirta, Christian Theobalt

[2013 ICCV] Efficient Hand Pose Estimation from a Single Depth Image. [PDF] [Project Page]

Chi Xu, Li Cheng

[2012 ECCV] Hand pose estimation and hand shape classification using multi-layered randomized decision forests

Cem KeskinFurkan, KıraçYunus Emre, KaraLale Akarun

[2011 CVPRW] Real Time Hand Pose Estimation using Depth Sensors. [PDF]

Cem Keskin, Furkan Kırac, Yunus Emre Kara, Lale Akarun

[2011 BMVC] Efficient Model-based 3D Tracking of Hand Articulations using Kinect. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Iason Oikonomidis, Nikolaos Kyriazis, Antonis A. Argyros

Journal Papers

[2016 IJCV] Lie-X: Depth Image Based Articulated Object Pose Estimation, Tracking, and Action Recognition on Lie Groups. [PDF] [Project Page]

Chi Xu, Lakshmi Narasimhan Govindarajan, Yu Zhang, Li Cheng

[2016 TPAMI] Latent Regression Forest: Structured Estimation of 3D Hand Poses.

Danhang Tang, Hyung Chang, Alykhan Tejani, Tae-Kyun Kim

[2016 CVIU] Guided Optimisation through Classification and Regression for Hand Pose Estimation. [PDF] [Project Page]

Philip Krejov, Andrew Gilbert, Richard Bowden

[2015 TCSVT] Resolving Ambiguous Hand Pose Predictions by Exploiting Part Correlations. [PDF]

Hui Liang, Junsong Yuan, Daniel Thalmann

[2015 IJCV] Estimate Hand Poses Efficiently from Single Depth Images. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Chi Xu, Ashwin Nanjappa, Xiaowei Zhang, Li Cheng

[2014 TMM] Parsing the Hand in Depth Images. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Hui Liang, Junsong Yuan, Daniel Thalmann


[2016 Thesis] 3D hand pose regression with variants of decision forests. [PDF]

Srinath Sridhar, Max Planck Institute for Informatics

[2016 Thesis] 3D hand pose regression with variants of decision forests. [PDF] [Project Page]

Danhang Tang, Imperial College London

[2016 Thesis] Deep Learning for Human Motion Analysis. [PDF] [Project Page]

Natalia Neverova, National Institut of Applied Science (INSA de Lyon), France

[2016 Thesis] Real time hand pose estimation for human computer interaction. [PDF] [Project Page]

Philip Krejov, University of Surrey

[2015 Thesis] Efficient Tracking of the 3D Articulated Motion of Human Hands. [PDF]

Iason Oikonomidis, University of Crete

[2015 Thesis] Vision-based hand pose estimation and gesture recognition. [PDF]

Hui Liang, Nanyang Technological University

[2015 Thesis] Localization of Humans in Images Using Convolutional Networks. [PDF]

Jonathan Tompson, New York University

Other Related Papers

[2017 Neurocomputing] Multi-task, Multi-domain Learning: application to semantic segmentation and pose regression.

Fourure, Damien, et al.

[arXiv:1704.02463] First-Person Hand Action Benchmark with RGB-D Videos and 3D Hand Pose Annotations. [PDF]

Guillermo Garcia-Hernando, Shanxin Yuan, Seungryul Baek, Tae-Kyun Kim

[2017 CVPR] SurfNet: Generating 3D shape surfaces using deep residual networks. [PDF]

Ayan Sinha, Asim Unmesh, Qixing Huang, Karthik Ramani

[2017 CVPR] Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code-Tensorflow] [Code-Keras] [Code-Tensorflow-NYU-Hand]

Ashish Shrivastava, Tomas Pfister, Oncel Tuzel, Josh Susskind, Wenda Wang, Russ Webb

[2016 3DV] Learning to Navigate the Energy Landscape. [PDF] [Project Page]

Julien Valentin, Angela Dai, Matthias Niessner, Pushmeet Kohli, Philip H.S. Torr, Shahram Izadi

[2016 NIPS] DISCO Nets : Dissimilarity Coefficient Networks. [PDF] [Project Page] [Code]

Diane Bouchacourt, M. Pawan Kumar, Sebastian Nowozin

* indicates equal contribution