
Installs and configures NGINX,PHP,MySQL,Wordpress

Primary LanguagePHP

#RUN ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts -u root

#Configuration To disable host key checking add the following to etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or ~/.ansible.cfg.

host_key_checking = False

To change hosts in [wordpress] group modify the hosts file.

To modify database credentials and username: roles/mysql/defaults/main.yml

To modify nginx website: roles/nginx/defaults/main.yml




  • Downloads wordpress and unarchive it in /var/www/wordpress directory with configured ownership.

  • Creates user wordpress in www-data.

  • Configures wp-config.php and fetches random salts for Wordpress.


  • Installs PHP


  • Installs NGINX

  • Disables default site

  • adds wordpress configuration and enables site.


  • Installs MySQL
  • Creates wordpress database and user.
  • Starts MySQL service.