
remaking artifact2.0 in Unity so hopefully we can continue development as a community

Primary LanguageC#

Artifact Unity

Max Garber
Unity Version 2021.1.7f1

Used How to Build a Multiplayer Card Game with Unity 2D and Mirror by M. S. Farzan as a starting point for the project:

Running the Game

The game is currently Multiplayer only so you need 2 instances running to test most things. Build and Run the game (Ctrl-B) as one instance and run the game in Unity as the other instance. Running 1 instances of the game as host can sometime be helpful just to make sure not everything crashes.

How To Add Cards

Check Cards.md to see what cards have been implemented.

Click to expand! If you are making an Enchantment Card start making the Enchantment/ability first.

Do not change any of the existing scripts. If functionality is missing and not yet implemented either work on a different card or message me.

  1. Create a Prefab Variant of the type of card you are making
  2. Replace the Card script if needed. The Card script is the last script in the prefab, it will not be the Base Card script but is Derived from it. The new script must be Derived from the one you are replacing. Replace the script by removing the existing one and adding the new one.
    • All Spell need their own script, here is where you program its functionality.
    • Enchantment scripts need to be replace with either the Enchant Tower or Enchant Unit script
    • Creeps and Heros most likely do not need a new script. Their abilities and effect should be added via an ability
  3. Fill out the attributes on the Card script in the inspector
  4. If you are making a Creep or hero with an ability make the ability then open up the prefab and add it as a child of the Abilities GameObject
    • you can skip this and comeback to it later
  5. Add your new card to Registered Spawnable Prefabs attribute in the NetworkManager
  6. Add your new card to the Player Manager Prefab either as a Card or a Heros.
    • The last card in the Cards list will alway be drawn in your starting hand for testing purposes

How to Make an Enchantment or Ability

Click to expand!

Similar to making a card... (will finnish this later)
Unit Enchantments are the same thing as Abilities
While testing you can add tower enchantments directly to Board/XXXXLane/XXXXSide/Enchantments or Enchantments/abilities to an existing creep or hero (step 5 of adding a card). Just rember to remove them when you are done.