
Ruby on rails plugin - Catalog for sharing other links between sites

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Links exchange system for thematicks sites with youe site.
Administrator can check by clicking a link on the site which communicates links
Link will be automatically disabled elsi links to friendly resource will not be found.

All questions send to my forum http://rubyclub.com.ua/
Examplmple using plugin http://nikon-club.com.ua/sites_categories

Add next line to your routes.rb file

  map.resources :sites_categories, :has_many => :friend_sites
  map.friend_site_activate '/friend_sites_activation/:id/:state', :controller => 'friend_sites', :action => 'activation'
  map.friend_site_remote_validation '/friend_sites_validation/:id', :controller => 'friend_sites', :action => 'remote_validation'

== Add method +is_admin?+
to your application_helper.rb
for manage links categories [CRUD]

== Add to your application_helper.rb methos for create exchange link

== Run migrate for create tables [Sites, FriendSites] in your database
rake linked:migrate_down
rake linked:migrate_up

== Add Sites Catalog link your views
<%= link_to('Sites catalog', sites_categories_path) %>

== Customize optimize text
add to file your link information

Pkugin default use layout
layout 'index'


Copyright (c) 2008 [Voloshin Ruslan], released under the MIT license
Visit to my forum http://rubyclub.com.ua/