
Cheaper alternative for CCTV cameras by using android device

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This project deals in realizing a cheaper alternative for CCTV cameras, by using android device.

The device captures the picture, uploads in a predefined interval (session) to the cloud.

Also user gets a web page to view all the images based on some filters.


  1. Android Application - Secure
  2. Web Application - SecureUI
  3. Rest Backend service - RestService

AWS Service used:

  1. S3 - Stores the captured images.
  2. RDS - Store the user and session tables.
  3. EC2 - Virtual server that runs tomcat.
  4. EBS - Provides the block storage for the EC2 instance.
  5. CloudFront - Content delivery network to boost the image retrieval.


Secure.apk - Deployed to a compatible android phone. SecureUI.war - Deployed to a HTTP Server (Apache Tomcat) running in Amazon EC2. RestService.war - Deployed to a HTTP Server (Apache Tomcat) running in Amazon EC2.