
This readme covers linux server configuration process for the final project of Udacity's Full Stack Nanodegree.

IP address:

SSH Port: 2200


Accessing the Item Catalog App

To access the site, simply visit or in your preferred browser. The app utilizes Google oauth, so a google account is necessary to create/update/delete within the app.

Accessing as grader

ssh grader@ -p 2200 -i <location of private key pasted in "Notes to Reviewer">

Server Configurations and Installations


-Update packages

-Disable remote login to root

-Change SSH Port from 22 to 2200

-Configure UFW to only allow connections via SSH (port 2200), HTTP (port 80), and NTP (port 123)

-Create new user `grader`

-Grant `sudo` permission to `grader`

-Create SSH key pair via `ssh-keygen` for `grader` and add public key to server

-Set timezone to UTC

-Install Apache

-Install/Enable mod_wsgi applications for Python3

-Install/setup PostgreSQL DB

-Create postgresql `catalog` user with limited permissions

-Confirm remote connections are not enabled

-Install git for catalog app deployment

-Clone item catalog project from github

-Add catalog.conf file to serve app

-Install py dependencies view virtualenv

-Modify project to work with PostgreSQL instead of SQLite, and function as a wsgi app




-flask (via pip/python3)

-sqlalchemy (via pip/python3)

-oauth2client (via pip/python3)

-virtualenv (via pip/python3)



During the configuration process I utilized Udacity's forums, as well as documentation/direct tutorials (i.e. apache, ubuntu, digitalocean).