
A simple ini file parser.

Primary LanguageC++


A simple ini file parser.


section name value
Is enclosed in [ ] Name that comes before = Anything that comes after =

Parser Summary

The constructor requires filename as an argument.

    IniParser(std::string filename);

Set the section name of stored values.

    void setSection(std::string section);

Incase of errors during parsing the ini file an exception is thrown.

    catch(IniError e){...}

Adding name/values pairs to ini.

    template <typename T>
    void addValue(std::string name, T value);

Getting values from ini file.

    int 		getInt(std::string name);
    std::string getString(std::string name);
    float 		getFloat(std::string name);
    double 		getDouble(std::string name);
    bool 		getBool(std::string name);


An example of adding and accessing values without saving to file.

    IniParser parser();

    parser.addValue("Favourite", "Black");

    std::cout << "My favoutite color is: " << parser["Colors"].getString("Favourite") << std::endl;

Saving and parsing an ini file. This should be placed in a 'try catch' to catch exceptions that may be thrown.

    IniParser parser("test.ini");

    // example save to file
    parser.addValue("title", "Harry Potter");
    parser.addValue("year", 2017);

    // example parse from file

    cout << "Section: Books" << endl;
    cout << "title:  " << parser["Books"].getString("title") << endl;
    cout << "year: " << parser["Books"].getInt("year") << endl;