
Trying to make a P4runtime python clinet

Primary LanguagePython

P4Runtime Python Client

  • Brief Intro

    • Client.py is the main program and basic.py is for library.
    • You can simply run client.py as a client.
    • Alternatively, you can intergrate client.py into other program and call functions in basic.py
  • Usage:

usage: client.py [-h] --device {tofino,bmv2} --p4info P4INFO [--config CONFIG]
                 [--ctx-json CTX_JSON] [--grpc-addr GRPC_ADDR] --device-id
                 DEVICE_ID [--skip-config] [--skip-role-config] --election-id
                 ELECTION_ID [--role-id ROLE_ID]

A simple P4Runtime Client

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --device {tofino,bmv2}
                        Target device
  --p4info P4INFO       Location of p4info proto in text format
  --config CONFIG       Location of Target Dependant Binary
  --ctx-json CTX_JSON   Location of Context.json
  --grpc-addr GRPC_ADDR
                        Address to use to connect to P4 Runtime server
  --device-id DEVICE_ID
                        Device id for device under test
  --skip-config         Assume a device with pipeline already configured
  --skip-role-config    Assume a device do not need role config
  --election-id ELECTION_ID
                        ID for mastership election
  --role-id ROLE_ID     ID for distinguish different client
  • Example of Usage
python client.py --device-id 1 --device bmv2 --grpc-addr --election-id 66 --role-id 0 \
--config "/home/sdn/onos/pipelines/basic/src/main/resources/p4c-out/bmv2/basic.json" \
--p4info "/home/sdn/onos/pipelines/basic/src/main/resources/p4c-out/bmv2/basic.p4info" 
  • Clients I found and Referenced:

    • Python: I ref code in [1] for this program. [2]
    • C++: [3] uses simple_switch(not simple_swithc_grpc) as simulation environment, which use nanomsg for Packet IO(i.e. packet in/out). Currently, Packet IO is transmit with GRPC stream
    • Java: [4] Which is too hard for me to understand. @@
  • Dependence

    • PI commit: 539e4624f16aac39f8890a6dfb11c65040e735ad
    • grpc and etc.
  • References: