


  • backend builder[ant:default, mvn:TODO] is now configurable
  • added logging >> /tmp/antr.logging
  • added clean project command


Creates Java project template / configures existing with ant for build, single class run and junit test run.


  • Antr - initialize plugin
  • AntrBld - select a builder backend ex: [ant, mvn] default: ant
  • AntrSet - configure for existing standard java source tree
  • AntrNew - create a sample base java project
  • AntrCmp / F9 - compile the project with ant
  • AntrRun / F10 - runs class in current buffer, class first needs to be successfully compiled and must have 'main' entry point
  • AntrTest - launch junit test in current buffer
  • AntrClean - clean project

Other plugins


nailgun is autostart from java/lib/

loads java...jar from java/target/

	cd ~/.vim/bundle/javacomplete/java
	mvn clean install

In java/pom.xml set jdk-tools dependency to systempath, as it fails to find from repo.



let g:nailgun_port='2113'
let g:javacomplete_ng='ng-nailgun'
autocmd Filetype java setlocal omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete
autocmd Filetype java map <leader>b :call javacomplete#GoToDefinition()<CR>