
A tool to allow users to upload images or video to your organization

Primary LanguagePHP

Building a Docker image for your organization

In order to build a custom Docker image for your organization, you must have at least docker installed. There are convenience scripts written that will build and deploy the images as long as you have make installed. It is also recommended to have docker-compose installed for ease of running and managing the docker containers.

Clone the repository, navigate to the build directory and run this make command:

make build PRIMARY_COLOR=#ff0000 - Replacing PRIMARY_COLOR with your organization's primary color.

This creates a customized Docker image

Running your customized Docker image

The simplest way to run your new image is to use the docker-compose files that are in the build folder. There are 3 different docker-compose files based on what type of environment you are running in:

  • docker-compose: This is the default script and should be run only in development.
  • staging.docker-compose: Should be run on staging sites.
  • production.docker-compose: Should be run on production sites.

There are many different environment varibles that can be used to customize the application. The simplest way to add environment variables is to create a env.mk file in the build folder. The following is an example of a production env.mk file:

export COMPOSE_FILE=production.docker-compose.yml
export EXPOSE_PORT=3000
export APP_URL=https://production-url.com
export APP_NAME=MyUpload
export DB_HOST=db
export DB_DATABASE=myupload
export DB_USERNAME=myupload_admin
export DB_PASSWORD=change_password
export DB_PORT=5432
export MAIL_DRIVER=mailgun
export MAILGUN_DOMAIN=mg.example.com
export MAILGUN_SECRET=your-mailgun-secret
export MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=info@myupload.com
export MAIL_FROM_NAME=MyUpload
export MEMCACHED_HOST=memcached
export CACHE_DRIVER=memcached
export SESSION_DRIVER=memcached
export RECAPTCHA_SITE=your-recapcha-site-key
export RECAPTCHA_SECRET=your-recapcha-site-secret
export GA_PROPERTY_ID=your-GA-id
export PRIMARY_COLOR=\#de5431
export LOGO=https://mysite.com/logo.png
export COPYRIGHT=Copyright © 2020 Company Name. All rights reserved.
export CONTACT_INFORMATION=Street Address, City, State Zip (Phone Number)
export USAGE_VERBIAGE=I authorize Company Name to use these images

An env.mk.example file is also in the build folder to show the fewest environment variables that can be set while still having a functional application.

After creating this env.mk file, running make up from the build folder will create all of the Docker services listed in the docker compose file. (make down does the opposite, stopping and removing all docker containers listed in the compose file)

Once the docker containers are running, the last thing that needs to happen is proxying all requests to the exposed port in the env.mk file. This can be done with a web server running on the server that you are hosting the docker containers on. The recommended web server for this is Nginx.

Available Environment Variables

Name Description Default
APP_DEBUG Whether or not the application is in debug mode false
APP_ENV The current environment running the application (local, staging, production) production
APP_KEY The encryption key used throughout the application, a new one can be generated by running php artisan key:generate --show from within the docker container base64:sK6yeEl2XZPPVsXbfFEcID7rxc2wNSBCUONwGwSmMuY=
APP_LOG_LEVEL The lowest level of logging that will be written to the log file (debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency) warning
APP_NAME The name of the application, used in multiple public facing aspects of the site
APP_URL The url of the application, used in generating links in emails and other public facing communication
CACHE_DRIVER The driver used to cache information for the application - documentation here: https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/cache file
CONTACT_INFORMATION The contact information text in the footer of the application
COPYRIGHT The copyright text in the footer of the application
DB_CONNECTION The type of database connection (mysql, sqlite, pgsql, sqlsrv) pgsql
DB_DATABASE The database that the application will store all of its information in
DB_HOST The database host the application will connect to
DB_PASSWORD The database password
DB_PORT The database port
DB_USERNAME The database username
EXPOSE_PORT The port to serve the application from
GA_PROPERTY_ID The google analytics account ID in the application
LOGO The logo (as a url) used in the header of the application
MAIL_DRIVER The way that the application will send email - documentation here: https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/mail log
MAIL_ENCRYPTION The encryption protocol that the application will use to send email tls
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS The "From" address that all emails from the application will be sent from
MAIL_FROM_NAME The "From" name that all emails from the application will be sent from
MAILGUN_DOMAIN If using the mailgun driver, the mailgun domain to send mail from
MAILGUN_SECRET If using the mailgun driver, the mailgun secret to send mail from
MAIL_HOST The host to send mail from
MAIL_PASSWORD The password for the mail sending service
MAIL_PORT The port for the mail sending service
MAIL_USERNAME The username for the mail sending service
MEMCACHED_HOST If using memcached for either cache or session, the host of the memcached server
PRIMARY_COLOR The primary color (in hex) used throughout the application
RECAPTCHA_SITE The Recaptcha (v2) site key for the application
RECAPTCHA_SECRET The Recaptcha (v2) secret for the application
SESSION_DRIVER The driver used for sessions in the application - documentation here: https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/session file
USAGE_VERBIAGE The verbiage used when asking a user if they authorize the application to use their uploads
WEB_REPO_NAME The docker registry where the application's docker image will be stored

Initial Database Setup

Before you can use the site, all of the database tables must be created. Running make setup-environment will run all of the database migrations and seed the database with 1 admin user. This user's email is admin@test.com and its password is password. This email / password can be changed by logging into the portal (via the /login route) and visiting the account settings page.