#Python Wrapper for the Next Big Sound API 10/27/2011
- Buck Heroux
- Sean Smith
- James B. Fitzgerald
- Omar Sulehria
- Charles McClung
- Michael Odbert
- Use 2 spaces for indentation
def view(self, id):
return self.get(self.genUrl( )+"/"+id, "")
id is the artists id ex: Kanye West = 356
def search(self, query):
return self.get(self.genUrl( ), {'q':query})
query is the artist's name
def rank(self, type, ids):
ids = ""
for i in ids:
uids += str(i) + '-'
uids = uids\[:-1]\
return self.get(self.genUrl( ) + "/" + type + "/" + uids, "")
type is either nominal/velocity/acceleration ids is a list of artist id ex: [356, 357, 358]
def add(self, name, profiles):
data = {}
data\['name'\] = name
data\['profiles\[\]'\] = '&&'.join(profiles)
data\['key'\] = self.secret
return self.post(self.genUrl( ), data)
name is the name of the artist you want to add profiles is a list of profile urls ex: ["http://www.facebook.com/kanyewest", "http://www.myspace.com/kanyewest"\]
def artist(self, id):
return self.get(self.genUrl( )+"/"+id, "")
id is the artist id
def profile(self, id, opt=[]):
if opt == []:
return self.get(self.genUrl( )+"/"+id, "")
data = {}
data\['start'\] = opt\[0\]
data\['end'\] = opt\[1\]
data\['metric'\] = opt\[2\]
return self.post(self.genUrl( )+"/"+id, data)*
Tricky thing here is that there's optional post parameters. ie: opt is defaulted to an empty list
If there are not optional post parameters for metrics than just get the metrics of a profile with id id
If there are option parameters then we need to post them. You need to checkout the documentation on python urrlib for how the mapping works from variable name to value
def artist(self, id, opt=\[\]):
if opt == \[\]:
return self.get(self.genUrl( )+"/"+id, "")
data = {}
data\['start'\] = opt\[0\]
data\['end'\] = opt\[1\]
data\['metric'\] = opt\[2\]
return self.post(self.genUrl( )+"/"+id, data)
Tricky thing here is that there's optional post parameters. ie: opt is defaulted to an empty list
If there are not optional post parameters for metrics than just get the metrics of a profile with id id
If there are option parameters then we need to post them. You need to checkout the documentation on python urrlib for how the mapping works from variable name to value
def artist(self, id):
return self.get(self.genUrl( )+"/"+id, "")
id is the artist id
def search(self, url):
return self.get(self.genUrl( ), {'u':url})
url is the profiles url ex: http://www.myspace.com
def add(self, id, profiles):
data = {}
data\['profiles\[\]'\] = '&&'.join(profiles)
data\['key'\] = self.secret
return self.post(self.genUrl( )+"/"+id, data)
id is the artist id
profiles is a list of profile urls to add to this artist's profile
def list(self):
return self.get(self.genUrl( )\[:-5\], "")
Retrieve all the social media sites that we support