Installs a way to manage your development environments using the denv command
Install denv into /usr/local/bin (assuming you have permissions to) like so
curl -sSL | python - /usr/local/bin
If you don't have permission at /usr/local/bin, try something like this where you extend your PATH
mkdir -p $BINDIR
curl -sSL | python - $BINDIR
Or do it manually by going to the releases page and download the denv artifact
Let's start out by listing the current denvs
denv ls
You probably won't see anything, so why don't we download some denvs
denv pull
If you ls again, you should see some stuff. Check out your ~/.vimrc and see what it looks like before activation. Now let's turn one of these bad boys on.
denv activate python
Take another peek at your ~/.vimrc and you'll notice it will be the one in the denv definition you downloaded. A keen eye will see that the new vimrc disables arrow keys and you're not into that. Let's revert to your old state by deactivating.
denv deactivate
When you deactive, the state will be restored before there were ANY denvs active. So if you activate a few in a row before you explicitly deactivate, you'll be back to where you started. Now let's say I want to create a new denv defition from my current home directory.
denv snapshot newdenv
If you inspect ~/.denv/newdenv, you'll notice that some of your files from you home have been copied over. Any file which does not match a pattern in ~/.denv/newdenv/.denvigore will be copied. Now you can do some cleaning up in the denv definition and push your new denv (along with any changes you made to the other ones) to a remote git server. All the denvs are managed via git, so feel free to create a fork of the template to push to. If you have contributions to the template-denv, just shoot over a PR.
denv push
Log on from a different VM or computer and pull what you just put up there
denv pull
Back on the same page again!
denv ls
denv activate newdenv