
A command line app for retrieving lyrics from multiple sites.

Primary LanguageC#

 _            _        _  _   _               
| |_   _ _ __(_) ___ _| || |_(_)___ _ __ ___  
| | | | | '__| |/ __|_  ..  _| / __| '_ ` _ \ 
| | |_| | |  | | (__|_      _| \__ \ | | | | |
|_|\__, |_|  |_|\___| |_||_| |_|___/_| |_| |_|

Favorite command line lyric app of Kaladin Stormblessed!


Lyricism searches multiple sites for lyrics. So far it supports:

  • Genius
  • AZLyrics
  • Lyrics.com
  • Letras.com
  • Encylopaedia Metallum
  • Bandcamp

Search for lyrics...

lyricism --artist-name froglord --track-name 'amphibian ascending'

...or auth with Spotify to search for the currently playing song.

lyricism --spot-auth



  1. git clone it
  2. dotnet build or dotnet run it
  3. profit
  4. hope that lazy dev packages it someday