
Exploring the logistics of running a world-wide rock paper scissors contest


Exploring the logistics of running a world-wide rock paper scissors contest



If number of people is greater than 1, Create n pairs of people by grouping people with the closest person who has completed an equal number of matches. If number of people is > 1. A pair can include 1 person if there is an odd number of people.


Pairs play rock paper scissors unti the outcome is not a tie. The loser is no longer a contestant. In cases wehre there is only one person in the pair that person wins. The winners number of wins increments by 1, so does her number of matches.

Record the location to the travel log. Record current location on both contestants

Decide traveling player

Given a pair, Randomly select a 'traveling' player from the pair. If there is only one player in the pair, the player is not a traveling player.

Expense travel

If the players are within walking distance travel budget is 0. If they are within driving distance, compensation should include a night in a hotel. If they need to take a plane, we will pay for the flight and a hotel.

Record the cost in the budget.

Travel log

Stores flight records


Stores the expensed flights and hotels.


Record the new location of the traveling player

Game play

While the number of contestants is greater than 1,

If all rounds have finished:

  1. Pair
  2. Decide traveling player
  3. Expense Travel
  4. Travel
  5. Shoot



  1. Commence match, if loser, end, if winner, continue