
A self-sovereign, self-hosted, pay-to-say messaging service

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Self-hosted solution to get paid when people want to send you a message


  • Fully Self-hosted: get paid to your lightning node
  • Private: Keep your email information private until you're ready to respond
  • Custom pricing: You set the price required to send you a message
  • Secure: Uses LSAT protocol to ensure that only people that have paid can send you a message


  • Now account with Zeit.co (preferred for deployment)
  • Your own lnd node
  • A gmail account (for sending emails with SMTP service)


  1. Setup your zeit account
  2. Get your Google App Password
  3. Get your lnd node's macaroon, tls cert and socket
  4. Set now secrets in your terminal with command now secrets add [secret-name] "[secret value]"
  5. Deploy with now: just run command now from the directory of the project and visit the resulting url!

Secrets (required unless indicated)

  • gmail-user
  • mail-pass
  • lnd-cert (base64 encoded)
  • lnd-macaroon (base64 encoded)
  • lnd-socket
  • min-payment (optional)