
A boilerplate development environment for Ethereum

MIT LicenseMIT


A boilerplate development environment for Ethereum. Note: due to some known issues with pyethereum and some of its dependencies, you may see some warnings during the docker build. If you believe any of theses wanrings or errors are causing problems, please create a github issue.




Ensure the docker daemon is running and execute these commands in the shell:

git clone https://github.com/Marto32/ethbase.git
cd ethbase
docker build -t ethereum/dev .

Run the container


If you want to run the container and use the pyethapp console, run the following commands:

docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -p 30304:30303 ethereum/dev
# Once in the container:
$ cd /apps/pyethapp
$ pyethapp account new
$ pyethapp -d /data --profile testnet run --console


If you want to run the container to prototype applications that use the ethereum blockchain, run:

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 ethereum/dev

Copy and paste the url and token displayed in the shell output into your browser.

That's it!


Within the Jupyter notebook, you can use the etherscan apis to build scripts that interact with the blockchain. I've also built a python wrapper for that API which can be found here: pyetherscan.


To remove containers and images ensure you're in your local bash environment and run:

docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi $(docker images -aq)

Ethereum packages installed

Misc Info

You can find tutorials on the main ethereum page and information about Solitiy (the most widely supported high-level contract language) here.