All have been built and tested under Windows Server 2016 TP5.
- sqlexpress: SQL Server 2014 Express
- See sqlexpress\dockerfile for usage details
- See also my blog post Dockerfile to create SQL Server Express windows container image for a detailed description
- dotnet-aspnet46-webapp: ASP.NET 4.6 Web UI app ("bcw" Bike Commuter Weather app), running under IIS - built in the Dockerfile using msbuild
- There is a docker-compose.yml file in dotnet-aspnet46-webapp, to run both ui and service locally - however, docker-compose network mode functionality is limited as of TP5: The app will be accessible from outside only if run via docker run, not docker-compose
- python-rest-service: Python REST web service consumed by the "bcw" UI above
- swarm-windows: Docker Swarm executable for Windows
- postgresql: PostgreSQL 9.5
- ruby-sinatra-helloworld: simple "hello world" ruby sinatra web app
- jdk8: Java JDK 8
Each of the above is entirely self-contained - all you need is what's in the dockerfile folder:
- docker build -t sqlexpress ./sqlexpress
- docker run -d -p 1433:1433 sqlexpress
- The sa password (specified in the Dockerfile) is: thepassword2#
- docker build -t bcwui ./dotnet-aspnet46-webapp
- docker run -d -e WeatherServiceUrl= -p 80:80 bcwui
- navigate to http://publichostname/rushhourweatherapp
- docker build -t bcwservice ./python-rest-service
- docker run -d -e WUNDERGROUND_API_KEY=YourWundergroundApiKey -p 5000:5000 bcwservice
- docker build -t swarm ./swarm-windows
- docker run --rm swarm create
- docker build -t postgresql ./postgresql
- docker run -d -p 5432:5432 postgresql
- test using a client such as pgAdmin III, psql or the "DB Navigator" plugin for Jetbrains IDEs IntelliJ IDEA and others - login as user 'postgres', empty password
- docker build -t ruby-sinatra-helloworld ./ruby-sinatra-helloworld
- docker run -d -p 4567:4567 ruby-sinatra-helloworld
- docker build -t jdk8 ./jdk8
- (intended as a base image for app requiring jdk to build)
Below is an example of using an Azure Resource Template to install a Windows Server 2016 TP5 Docker Windows Containers host on Azure, using Azure CLI (which may be configured to run on Windows using a Cygwin terminal window as described here):
$ azure group create -n "cliEastUsRG" -l "East US"
Substitute a unique node name for the "dnsNameForPublicIP" parameter before running the following command in place of uniqueWindowsNodeName, such as "myname-win-node" (you can also substitute for the Azure123 and Azure!23 default admin username and password, respectively) - this operation can take up to 20 minutes to complete:
$ azure group deployment create cliEastUsRG win-node --template-uri -p '{"adminUsername": {"value": "Azure123"}, "adminPassword": {"value": "Azure!23"}, "dnsNameForPublicIP": {"value": "uniqueWindowsNodeName"}, "VMName": {"value": "win-node"},"location": {"value": "East US"}}'
Because Azure Marketplace does not currently offer a Container-ready TP5 image, you'll need to take the following additional step, which takes about 45min:
- Remote Desktop:
- Command Prompt (Admin)
> powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass \install-containerhost > docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE windowsservercore 10.0.14300.1000 dbfee88ee9fd 5 weeks ago 9.344 GB
- Stefan Scherer: Windows Dockerfiles - includes Compose, Consul, Golang, Jenkins-swarm-slave, node.js, Swarm
- Msft: Windows Containers Sample Dockerfiles - includes dockerfiles for base images including iis, dotnet35; also samples
- [Stefan Scherer: How to run a Windows Docker Engine in Azure]
( - defines an Azure template which improves on the
Msft Azure TP4 quickstart-templates, including enabling public TCP listening
- [Stefan Scherer: Build Docker Swarm binary for Windows the "Docker way"]
( dockerized Swarm image for Windows
- Stefan Sherer: Docker-themed blog - includes using Chocolatey to get set up to run Docker Linux containers on Windows, and posts describing Docker on Raspberry Pi
- Docker Labs: Tutorial: Run Swarm on a mix of Linux and Windows Nodes - use swarm label to specify target Linux or Windows host
- 26thCentury: Docker Windows-Containers-specific links