
personal dotfiles and scripts and some curated lists of packages, links and videos related to the text editor Sublime Text 3.

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budlime - Sublime Text related settings, scripts and links.

curated by budRich since 2018

In this repo i will collect things that have helped me to achieve a good developing environment in Sublime Text.


Contains a single readme with sublime related finds: recommended packages, tools, links, videos, and such.


Short articles about sublime that I have written.


Contains of package overrides. Settings, keymaps, and some small custom packages.

I use the official Vintage package to get some of the goodies from VIM in sublime, and many of the other package specific settings I have done reflect this.

I try to change all keybindings involving the arrowkeys to something more VIM-like, and use , as leader in command_mode instead of the annoying Ctrlk key combinations.

These are not all of my preferred packages, I want this collection to be language agnostic so there are more or less no language specific packages included here.

This repo can also be seen as a template for how you can create your own package profile and sync it with subextract.


Some sublime related custom scripts I have created.

script description
install Use this script to apply and install all the packages and settings in the packages directory of this repo.
sublget prints information about open sublime windows, by analyzing the window title.
subextract extract readme files, blank default settings and apply and sync custom settings. (this script is used by the install script)
sublaunch Open a sublime window, with a specific project, file and instance name.
sublsess Removes unwanted windows from the Session.sublime_session file, useful only if one has issues with multiple unwanted windows are created when the sublime session starts.



added sublsess script


scripts removed:

  • subdox , external dependencies, might get added back in the future.
  • browserpreview, removed since i removed the markdown preview package

packages removed:

  • Alignment, good package, but a bit too big and i found myself never using it.
  • DA UI, maintainer have removed package. replaced by my own package Mondo (that is much less bloated)
  • Extract Sublime Package, replaced by PackageResourceViewer
  • FastOpen, this package i made myself, and i think it is too specific to my own workflow to keep it public.
  • GitGutter, latest releases of sublime have native git info in gutter
  • MarkdownPreview, syntax specific, never used it myself.
  • PlainNotes, using both PlainNotes and PlainTasks at the same time felt like overkill
  • SublimeLinter, syntax specific, external dependencies
  • Table Editor, syntax specific, and i never used it
  • TwoFont, my own package, will give this some love and release it as a proper package for Package Control instead.
  • Zeal, external dependencies

packages added:

  • BetterFindBuffer, very good enhancement to the Find In Files function.
  • Mondo, now includes UI theme and different color schemes.
  • EndWithSemi, small package i made with macros instead of python.
  • PackageResourceViewer, much better alternative to Extract Sublime Package
  • ReadMePlease, this is a better solution to read package documentation, then the one i used prior (extract the readmes and store them in the user directory)

script changes

  • renamed tits -> sublget
  • all scripts now use the [bashbud] framework
  • rewrote the install script and subextract to be faster and better.