
Xfce4-panel plugins modified to work better with i3wm

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

I liberated* and modified two of the internal xfce4-panel plugins:

  • windowmenu
  • tasklist*

*tastlist mod is currently broken and disabled

The modifications made are changing the action triggered when a window is "selected" to i3run --winid WINDOW_ID.

This make the plugins work much smoother with i3wm.
For it to work you need to have i3ass installed as well.

Together with the plugins, the script xfce4-popup-i3-windowmenu, will get installed. The script can be used to bring up the menu without clicking the button.

bindsym Mod1+Tab exec --no-startup-id xfce4-popup-i3-windowmenu

I also made it possible to navigate the menu with the Tab key. And releasing L_Alt can be used to select an item.

I also fixed an old issue that prevented the ability to hold shift key when selecting a menu item, this will always bring windows to the current workspace. You can also hold Ctrl when selecting to bring up the context menu.

I added an option to show the name (same as title_format) next to the icon.

I made it so that the currently focused and the last focused window is always at the top of the list.

To not mess up the xfce4-panel package installed by package managers, the plugins are renamed and will not overwrite the original internal ones.


If you are using the best Linux distribution, Arch, you can install the xfce4-panel-i3-plugins package i added to AUR.

Otherwise, just clone this repository, install the build dependencies: xfce4-panel, xfce4-dev-tools and:

  1. Configure config.mak if needed
  2. $ make
  3. # make install

Runtime dependencies: i3wm, i3ass

*: with liberated i meant that i made it so you don't need to build all of xfce4-panel to build the plugins. They are also liberated from autotools.