
Xephyr wrapper for window manager testing

Primary LanguageMakefileBSD Zero Clause License0BSD

Initially i created this script to properly spawn i3wm in a Xephyr window on a i3wm host session. This boils down to setting the environment variable I3SOCK to a path that doesn't conflict with the current session.


While messing around with this I noticed that it was possible to tile the Xephyr window, but it would have the same initial resolution (equal to initial windowsize), and when tiled, this sometimes got messed up. It is possible to update the resolution by simply executing xrandr in the nested session. I searched and found xeventbind, which can watch for changes in screen resolution and execute a command when that happens, so I added that to the script as well.

Another thing I noticed was that if i didn't Ctrl-c terminate the xephyr process it was left in a limbo state, making it confusing to start new sessions on the same display. This happened if i either killed the xephyr window or if i did i3-msg exit. I solved it by starting xephyr and xeventbind in the background from the script and making the windowmanager command blocking, and last in the script do a kill -P $$, which do kill all child processes of the script.

I have tested the script with i3wm, and icewm and some random other GUI programs, it should "work" with other windowmanagers, but they may or may not have similar IPC quirks as i3.

Also, it is probably a good idea to use a separate config file for the nested wm. To avoid clashes with keybindings and other weirdness.

xwmplay -- i3 -c ~/.config/my-special-xephyr-config

The Xephyr window will have the instance name: Xephyr, so it is possible to control it with f.i. window rules (for_window in i3wm).


This is just a small simple bash script, but it needs to be "built" before installation, and that is done with GNU make . It is possible to customize the shbang in the generated script, like this:

make SHBANG='#!/usr/bin/env bash'

There is some cool gawk code in the makefile, so gawk is a build dependency.

$ make
# make install

Runtime dependencies is Xephyr . Optionally if xrandr and xeventbind is installed auto update of screenresolution is a thing.


There is also the xwmplay AUR package.


xwmplay [OPTIONS] -- COMMAND
-d, --display           DISPLAY | set X display for COMMAND (defaults to 2) 
-h, --help                      | print help and exit  
--i3-socket             PATH    | path to socket, defaults to `mktemp`  
-v, --version                   | print version info and exit  
-w, --wallpaper-command COMMAND | command to set wallpaper


Copyright (c) 2023, budRich of budlabs
SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD