
Tibetan analyzer for Opensearch and Elasticsearch

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Tibetan analyzer for Opensearch and Elasticsearch


Copy Lucene-bo's synonyms.txt into /etc/opensearch/tibetan-synonyms.txt

Getting started

Simple example:

POST _analyze
  "tokenizer" : "tibetan",
  "filter" : ["tibetan"],
  "char_filter" : ["tibetan"],
  "text" : "ཀ་ཁཱ་ག"

Example with parameters: first let's create an index for the test

PUT /tibetantest/
  "settings": {
    "analysis": {
      "analyzer": {
        "tibetan-lenient": {
          "tokenizer": "tibetan",
          "filter": [ "tibetan-lenient", "tibetan-synonyms" ],
          "char_filter": [ "tibetan-lenient" ]
        "tibetan-ewts-lenient": {
          "tokenizer": "tibetan",
          "filter": [ "tibetan-lenient", "tibetan-synonyms" ],
          "char_filter": [ "tibetan-ewts-lenient" ]
      "filter": {
        "tibetan-lenient": {
          "type": "tibetan",
          "remove_affixes": true,
          "normalize_paba": true
        "tibetan-synonyms": {
          "type": "synonym_graph",
          "synonyms_path": "tibetan-synonyms.txt"
      "char_filter": {
        "tibetan-lenient": {
          "type": "tibetan",
          "lenient": true
        "tibetan-ewts-lenient": {
          "type": "tibetan",
          "lenient": true,
          "input_method": "ewts"

then test the lenient support (note that ཁཱ is transformed into ):

  "tokenizer" : "tibetan",
  "filter" : ["tibetan-lenient", "tibetan-synonyms"],
  "char_filter" : ["tibetan-lenient"],
  "text" : "ཀ་ཁཱ་ག་ཀླད་ཀོར"

and the transliteration support:

POST /tibetantest/_analyze
  "tokenizer" : "tibetan",
  "filter" : ["tibetan-lenient", "tibetan-synonyms"],
  "char_filter" : ["tibetan-ewts-lenient"],
  "text" : "ka khA ga klad kor"

Sources of inspiration and doc

https://github.com/lionsoul2014/jcseg https://github.com/infinilabs/analysis-stconvert/
