
Satisfactory mod. Take damage when in direct sunlight.


Multiplayer compatible!

A new twist on playing Satisfactory. Standing in direct sunlight heats you up, and if you get too hot, you'll start taking damage. Staying in the shadows will cool you down. Once the sun goes down you are free to roam without fear of overheating until the next day. A meter displaying your heat level appears above your health bar when you have heat.

The shade provided by small plants is not sufficient protection, but your own buildings, glass windows, large creatures, as well as larger terrain elements such as rocks and the trunks of trees, will protect you. So will swimming in water.

Upon first installing the mod (or starting a new game) the world will be set to midnight so the first day is not unplayable, especially if you chose to not skip the tutorial. You can disable this in the mod savegame settings if you don't like it.

The check to determine if you're in sunlight draws from your head to the position of the sun, so your "safe areas" will change as the time of day changes and shadows move.


Consider using the SkyUI mod to modify the length of days and nights to your preference.


You can configure:

  • How many seconds of "heat tolerance" you have before you start taking damage
  • How much damage you take when overheating, and how frequently it is applied
  • Whether or not the game is set to night when you start a new world.

Maybe™ Future Plans

  • Some sort of health stealing from fauna mechanic
  • Configurable cooling down rate
  • Upgrades to allow you to stay in the sun for longer
