
A JavaScript tool for collecting implicit behavioral data on Amazon Mechanical Turk, etc

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A JavaScript-only spin-off of the MmmTurkey framework for data collection of worker behavior for Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT). Examples of such auditors include recording what someone clicks or when s/he changes tab focus. Unlike the original framework, turkey-lite does not require additional setup and can be invoked directly as a script tag in the task HTML file. Results are stored directly in the CSV file where worker-submitted answers would also be recorded. For an example of turkey-lite in use, see here. turkey-lite was developed as a lightweight alternative to MmmTurkey. Unlike MmmTurkey, turkey-lite as-is can only be used on AMT but can be easily changed to be used with other platforms; the data-collection code itself is not platform-specific, only the way the data is saved and stored. Some possible options are saving data to S3, DynamoDB, Mongodb, etc. MmmTurkey provides more structure and organization in terms of data storage and collection, but for some the simpler turkey-lite may be sufficient. turkey-lite was developed and tested using the AWS/AMT command-line-tools.

  • A more detailed description of the original framework can be found here, and a list of its features can be found here. Additionally, you can read our paper here.
  • A complete list of auditors and their descriptions can be found here.
  • Pull requests may be submitted here.
  • Issues and questions may be submitted here.

The original MmmTurkey was written by Miles Hutson and Brandon Dang.


Production CDN

To use turkey-lite as-is with all auditors enabled, add the following script to your HTML:

<script src='https://cdn.rawgit.com/budang/turkey-lite/3b71e095/js/turkey-lite-prod.js'></script>

If you would like to select your own auditors, download the turkey-lite-prod.js file, modify it to your needs, then add the script to your HTML:

<script src='<some_path>/turkey-lite-prod.js'></script>

In the case of the first script, turkey-lite-prod.js will be served via RawGit CDN. In the case of both scripts, resource and auditor scripts will be served via RawGit.

Development CDN

If changes were recently pushed to this repo, the above scripts will not load the most recent changes. To access the most up to date scripts, use the development URL:

<script src='https://rawgit.com/budang/turkey-lite/master/js/turkey-lite-dev.js'></script>

If you would like to select your own auditors, follow the steps above, but instead download turkey-lite-dev.js. Your HTML script should look like this:

<script src='<some_path>/turkey-lite-dev.js'></script>

As per the RawGit FAQ, only use the development scripts for development. When you are ready to move your code to production, please instead use the production scripts above.

Serve Locally

If you need to modify or add auditors, clone this repo and copy the files into your project directory. When you have finished making your changes, you can include the auditor code using the following script:

<script src='<some_path>/turkey-lite-local.js'></script>

Because this file uses the jQuery.getScript function, your browser (e.g., Chrome) may block the files from being served if you are testing them locally on your filesystem due to cross-origin concerns. Firefox seems to work, but I have not tried other browsers. This should not be an issue once your files are hosted on a server.