
Routines for Reinforcement Learning in Chapel

Primary LanguageChapel


Math? $x$

Reinforcment Learning in Chapel. Some experiments, probably won't last long but may be useful if you're trying to learn one or the other.


I have to get handle on all these ideas in RL. I'll start with Silver's lectures.

Glossary-ish Things

  • $\gamma$ is the DISCOUNT_FACTOR
  • $\alpha$ is the LEARNING_RATE
  • $\lambda$ is TRACE_DECAY
  • "Control" -> policies $\pi$
  • A policy is a distribution of actions over states $\pi(a|s)$
  • the action-value function is the expected return of the state, action pair $q_{\pi}(s,a) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}[G_t | S_t=s, A_t=a]$
  • $v_*(s) = \max_{\pi}v_{\pi}(s)$
  • $q_*(s,a) = \max_{\pi}q_{\pi}(s,a)$
  • Bellman optimality can be applied to $v_, \mathcal{Q}^, V^*$. Techniques include
    • Value iteration
    • Policy iteration
    • Q-learning
    • Sarsa
  • N-step return $G_t^{(n)} = R_{t+1}+\gamma R_{t+2} + \gamma^{n-1}R_{t+n} + \gamma^nV(S_{t+n})$
    • $G_t^{\lambda} = (1-\lambda) \sum_n \lambda^{n-1} G_t^{(n)}$
    • Should be computed from episodes.
  • Eligibility Traces
    • $E_0(s) = 0$
    • $E_t(s) = \gamma\lambda E(s) + \bf 1(S_t=s)$
  • Model Free Control (build policy)
    • Can use $Q$ via $\pi' = \arg\max_{a\in \mathcal{A}} Q(s,a)$

Things to Clarify

  • Planning means using a model to build a policy, like game tree searching
  • Off-policy vs on-policy
    • My cartoon from Sutton: "off-policy" evaulate options but take actions indepedently (e.g. randomly). "on-policy" follow the best option
    • off-policy is good for building policies and allows you to build multiple policies at once, since you are sampling the space.
    • Silver refers to off-policy as sampling from $\mu$ to learn $\pi$
  • Prediction vs. Control: Silver says "evaluate vs optimize" the future
    • Optimal value given a policy vs
    • Optimal policy
  • TD vs MC
  • Function Approximation for large data / feature space
    • $\hat{v}(s,w) \approx v_{\pi}(s)$
    • $\hat{q}(s,a,w) \approx q_{\pi}(s,a)$
    • Uses $w$ as the parameter, can update using MC or TD methods
    • Gradient Descent vs ... ?
    • Value Function Approximation
      • MC:
      • $TD(0)$:
      • $TD(\lambda)$:
    • Action Value Approximation
      • Leads to feature vectors
        • Coarse and Tile coding
      • Linear ones are easy to update.
  • Model vs. No Model
  • Sutton mentioned average reward MDPs, have to get back to those.
  • More on Eligibility Traces
  • Bootstrapping vs. Sampling
  • Online vs offline updates, math and methods
    • Offline, errors are accumulated within episode, applied in batch at end of episode.
    • Online: $TD(\lambda)$ updates at each step
  • Why / when forward vs backwards $TD(\lambda)$
  • When / how SARSA?
    • $Q(S,A) \leftarrow Q(S,A) + \alpha(R + \gamma Q(S',A')-Q(S,A))$

Silver's Class


Some notation to get started (mostly obvious)

  • $A_t$ Action at time $t$
  • $O_t$ Observation at time $t$
  • $R_t$ Reward at time $t$
  • State is a function of history to time $t$, $S(_t) = f(H(_t))$
  • He sometimes distinguishes between what the environment and the agent think of the world us $$S_t^e$$
  • An Agent must have a policy $\pi$, a value function $V_{\pi}$ and a model $\mathcal{P}$ (of the environment)
    • Policy maps state to action
  • Planning means having a model of the environment and does not receive feedback. Using that to improve policy.

Markov Decision Processes

  • State fully observable.
  • Almost all RL can be cast this way.
  • Introduces state transition matrix $\mathcal{P}$
  • Markov Reward Process is $<\mathcal{S}, \mathcal{P}, \mathcal{R}, \gamma>$
  • Return $G_t = \sum_t^{\infty} \gamma^k R_{t+k+1}$
  • In general $v(s) = \mathbb{E} [G_t | S_t = s]$
    • This expectation can take several forms.
  • Markov Decision Process is $<\mathcal{S}, \mathcal{A}, \mathcal{P}, \mathcal{R}, \gamma>$

Planning by Dynamic Programming

Model Free Prediction

Model Free Control

On-Policy update SARSA($\lambda$) update

  1. Initialize $Q(S,A)$ arbitrarily.
  2. $\forall$ Episodes
    1. Eligibility Trace $E(s,a)=0$, $\forall s,a$
    2. Initialize $S,A$
    3. $\forall$ steps in episode
      1. Take action $A$, observe $R, S'$
      2. Choose $A'$ from $S'$ using policy derived from $Q$, e.g. $\epsilon$-greedy
      3. $\delta \leftarrow R + \gamma Q(S',A') - Q(S,A)$
      4. $E(S,A) \leftarrow E(S,A) +1$
      5. $\forall a, s$
        1. $Q(s,a) \leftarrow Q(S,A) + \alpha \delta E(s,a)$
        2. $E(s,a) \leftarrow \gamma \lambda E(s,a)$
    4. Until $S$ is terminal

Value Function Approximation

  • Starts in the model-free context for prediction and control
  • Remove the lookup table for values. For instance $V(s)$ has an entry for every $s$
  • Remove the lookup table for state-action. For instance $Q(s,a)$ has an entry for every $(s,a)$
  • Approximate value functions with a parameter $v_(s,w) \approx v_(s)$
    • Update $w$ using MC or TD learning
  • Uses Linear combination or Neural Network for approximator, focuses on linear.
    • Incremental methods for approximator include SGD
  • Leads to the notion of feature vectors

Policy Gradient Methods

Integrating Learning and Planning

Exploration and Explotation

RL in Classic Games


Okay, maybe we can try Sutton's Grid World examined in this paper

Making things

You will need a filed called local.mk that looks something like
