
Self learning Node + express + React with in memory DB for my own interest -- Next will Go lang

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Test you programming skills based on your BAL :)

Purpose of this repostory is to check your programming skill on your BAL

##. Observtions

I could resolve all node/npm errors even though I am way above >.05

If you are hard core programmer how much you are drunk, you can still google and find out the solution and fix it given that it is java script related.

Should be thankful to Git creat0r Linus to give us such a awesome tool

I am using VSCode to pretend that I am a geek :) but I believe no one can challange IntelliJ even though I pay for it every year.

At the time of I commit this Go lang is the programming language of the world, I pray deno will over take in future.:)

Thats it for today. Todo learn Go lang tomorrow.