- 3
#27 opened by Ruddernation-Designs - 7
Adding youtube videos to Video Gallery just gives "This type is not supported."
#59 opened by TomLewis - 4
Re-naming image does not re-name URL
#58 opened by TomLewis - 3
User Role Editor Settings
#56 opened by TomLewis - 3
Selecting existing media from Wordpress Media
#55 opened by TomLewis - 0
Gutenberg widget instead of shortcodes
#57 opened by TomLewis - 1
- 2
Add filter mpp_media_user_can_comment
#53 opened by glouton - 2
Slow query on mpp_get_object_ids, mpp_get_object_count and mpp_get_adjacent_object_id
#44 opened by regisvidal - 1
PHP files support
#51 opened by filiptronicek - 4
Lightbox behavior is not uniform
#38 opened by rhisss - 8
- 10
MediaPress Gravity Forms Server Error 500
#43 opened by neilgee - 0
- 1
Wordpress Static front page bug
#47 opened by raviousprime - 0
- 16
#48 opened by ThatDamnCreature - 1
Gallery shortcode not showing gallery by ids
#46 opened by raviousprime - 1
Browser.php debug notice in tools
#45 opened by sbrajesh - 1
- 1
Improve privacy/security
#33 opened by enboig - 3
- 2
Gallery/Image Uploader not showing FrontEnd
#42 opened by neilgee - 14
Make comment appear only the under image thumbnail in the stream and not as a separate activity item
#37 opened by rhisss - 2
The page in which the individual photo is viewed do not have the favorite button.
#12 opened by dranii - 2
- 7
- 3
Comment to a single photo follows no easy logic
#35 opened by rhisss - 1
- 9
Comment on single media
#32 opened by irut - 7
Delete gallery from user's end
#25 opened by imagecrisis - 2
- 1
Users cannot upload photos in their own sites
#10 opened by dranii - 5
Multsite Wordpress-Buddypress members cannot upload photo - they get error message
#18 opened by rhisss - 4
- 3
Does mediapress use the new BP Attachments API?
#28 opened by landwire - 5
in the scenario below, end-users always get error message and cannot upload images even if they have individually saved the settings
#4 opened by rhisss - 7
Several warning and notice
#13 opened by danbp - 1
Validate File types client side while selecting
#23 opened by sbrajesh - 1
Make function/class naming more consistent
#26 opened by sbrajesh - 1
Should we allow media titles to be obfuscated if file name obfuscation is enabled?
#24 opened by sbrajesh - 0
- 9
uploading not working
#20 opened by UnbanTwin - 2
The Group Media Gallery is not visible
#19 opened by abertranb - 3
If Enable Gallery is unchecked, upload buttons still appear and media can still be uploaded
#15 opened by jazzsequence - 10
- 5
output classes to body for different views
#5 opened by mourique - 1
- 3
- 1
File extensions should not be case sensitive
#3 opened by sbrajesh