- 0
- 0
- 2
Error on plugin activation
#24 opened by teboy - 2
Fatal error with custom members nav item
#33 opened by adiloztaser - 1
issues on multisite / BP network activated
#32 opened by eha1 - 1
Fatal error when trying to activate/deactivate BP-Rewrites if BuddyPress has been deactivated or doesn't exists
#29 opened by adiloztaser - 2
- 0
- 0
Include the global search feature into BP Rewrites
#13 opened by imath - 0
Improve the BP Admin URLs setting screen
#16 opened by imath - 1
Activating bp-rewrites breaks page_on_front
#11 opened by boonebgorges - 4
Group Extension > group id in construct
#9 opened by shanebp - 6
Load order difference makes current group unavailable at `bp_setup_globals`
#7 opened by boonebgorges - 1
- 3
Undefined variable: structs
#6 opened by shanebp - 0
- 0