Use simplescreenrecorder without using the GUI.
In my global keybinding configuration (i3wm) i have the following:
bindsym Mod4+Print exec --no-startup-id ssrt
bindsym Control+Print exec --no-startup-id ssrt --pause
So by just pressing Super+Print-Screen i can start and stop a screenrecording. The second keybinding uses Ctrl as the modifier and toggle play/pause.
would also start a recording if there is none. And the first keybinding will resume a paused recording*.
ssrt also trigger event scripts on certain events (start/stop/pause/resume/delay). Any executable file can be used as an eventscript, in which the full path to the current recording will be available in the environment variable: SSR_OUTPUTFILE.
Some example usecases for the event scripts:
- unmute the microphone before recording starts
- preview the recording in a videoplayer when recording stops
- convert recorded media
- display notifications on pause and delay
If you use Arch Linux you can get ssrt from AUR.
ssrt is a bash script and beside bash (1)
and simplescreenrecorder(1)
, the only other external
commands needed are gawk (1)
, slop(1)
, and xrandr(1)
(configure the installation in config.mak
, if needed)
$ git clone
$ cd ssrt
$ make
# make install
$ ssrt -v
ssrt - version: 2020.06.22.1
updated: 2020-06-22 by budRich
ssrt [OPTIONS]
-e, --codec CODEC | CODEC defaults to h264 (or vp8 for webm).
-c, --config-dir DIR | set ssr conifg directory
-n, --container CONTAINER | set CONTAINER type. example containers: mkv and webm.
-d, --delay SECONDS | delay start of recording
-h, --help | print help and exit
-i, --input-file FILE | change default (/tmp/ssrt/in) inputfile.
-m, --mute | disables audio in recording
-p, --pause | toggle play/pause or start a new recording.
-s, --select | select recording area before recording starts.
-v, --version | print version info and exit
event scripts are stored in
SSR_CONFIG_DIR/events* ,
as executable files with the same name as the
event (delay|pause|resume|start|stop).
When ssrt is launched for the first time a sample
directory will be created but
the scripts are "empty".
* SSR_CONFIG_DIR defaults to simplescreenrecorders configuration directory: