Preliminary Code for 3D-LLM: Injecting the 3D World into Large Language Models

Primary LanguagePython

3D-LLM: Injecting the 3D World into Large Language Models

Yining Hong, Haoyu Zhen, Peihao Chen, Shuhong Zheng, Yilun Du, Zhenfang Chen, Chuang Gan

Paper PDF Project Page


Preliminary Code.

Three-step 3D Feature Extraction

First step


Please follow Mask2Former to install the environment and download the pretrained weight to the current directory if extracting the masks with Mask2Former.

Please follow Segment Anything to install the environment and download the pretrained weight to the current directory if extracting the masks with SAM.

Extract masks with Mask2Former:

$ cd ./three_steps_3d_feature/first_step

$ python maskformer_mask.py --scene_dir_path DATA_DIR_WITH_RGB_IMAGES --save_dir_path DIR_YOU_WANT_TO_SAVE_THE_MASKS

Extract masks with Segment Anything:

$ cd ./three_steps_3d_feature/first_step

$ python sam_mask.py --scene_dir_path DATA_DIR_WITH_RGB_IMAGES --save_dir_path DIR_YOU_WANT_TO_SAVE_THE_MASKS

After the first step, we are expected to obtain a directory of masks (specified by --save_dir_path) that contains extracted masks for multi-view images of the scenes.

Second step

Installation: The same as the following 3D-LLM_BLIP2-based section to install salesforce-lavis.

There are four options: (1) Extract CLIP feature with Mask2Former masks; (2) Extract CLIP feature with SAM masks; (3) Extract BLIP feature with Mask2Former masks; (4) Extract BLIP feature with SAM masks.

Extract 2D CLIP features with Mask2Former masks:

$ cd ./three_steps_3d_feature/second_step/

$ python clip_maskformer.py --scene_dir_path DATA_DIR_WITH_RGB_IMAGES --mask_dir_path MASK_DIR_FROM_1ST_STEP --save_dir_path DIR_YOU_WANT_TO_SAVE_THE_FEAT

For the other options, the scripts are in similar format.

After the second step, we are expected to obtain a directory of features (specified by --save_dir_path) that contains 2D features for multi-view images of the scenes.

Third step


Please install the Habitat environment.

Reconstruct 3D feature from multi-view 2D features:

$ cd ./three_steps_3d_feature/third_step/

$ python sam_mask.py --data_dir_path DATA_DIR_WITH_RGB_IMAGES --depth_dir_path DATA_DIR_WITH_DEPTH_IMAGES --feat_dir_path FEATURE_DIR_FROM_2ND_STEP

After the third step, we are expected to obtain two files (pcd_pos.pt and pcd_feat.pt) for each room inside the corresponding RGB directory. pcd_pos.pt contains the point positions of the 3D point cloud (shape: N * 3). pcd_feat.pt contains the point features of the 3D point cloud (shape: N * n_dim). N is the number of sampled points in the point cloud (default: 300000) and n_dim is the feature dimension (1024 for CLIP feature, 1408 for BLIP feature).



Install salesforce-lavis

$ conda create -n lavis python=3.8
$ conda activate lavis

$ git clone https://github.com/salesforce/LAVIS.git SalesForce-LAVIS
$ cd SalesForce-LAVIS
$ pip install -e .

$ pip install positional_encodings


$ cd 3DLLM_BLIP2-base

$ conda activate lavis
# use facebook/opt-2.7b:
$ python -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --cfg-path lavis/projects/blip2/train/3dvqa_ft.yaml
# use flant5
$ python -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --cfg-path lavis/projects/blip2/train/3dvqa_flant5_ft.yaml




If you find our work useful, please consider citing:

 author = {Hong, Yining and Zhen, Haoyu and Chen, Peihao and Zheng, Shuhong and Du, Yilun and Chen, Zhenfang and Gan, Chuang},
 title = {3D-LLM: Injecting the 3D World into Large Language Models},
 journal = {arXiv},
 year = {2023},






