
Building a fully functioning CPU (Harvard + Von Neumann)


This is an attempt to build a CPU from scratch; first in Logisim and then with ICs. CPU.circ is the version before implementing the memory device bus, CPU_2.circ is the newer version which also implements pointer manipulation as well as conditional skip for branching.

Screenshot of the main logisim module


Instructions consist of an 8 bit argument followed by the 8 bit command. The usage of the argument depends on the context. For example, the instruction to load the value 0x34 into the accumulator is 0x3481.

List of instructions (HEX)

Base HEX Assembly Short name Additional information Usage example Ticks
0x08 0x08 cload0 Cache 0 load From memory address cload0 r0 4
0x09 cload1 Cache 1 load cload1 r0 4
0x88 icload0 Cache 0 load Immediate icload0 d0 3
0x89 icload1 Cache 1 load icload1 d0 3
0x10 0x10 add Add to memory Cache 0 + Cache 1 add r0 4
0x11 sub Sub to memory sub r0 4
0x12 mul Mul to memory mul r0 4
0x13 div Div to memory div r0 4
0x14 and Bitwise And to memory Cache 0 AND Cache 1 and r0 4
0x15 or Bitwise Or to memory or r0 4
0x16 xor Bitwise Xor to memory xor r0 4
0x17 inv Invert cache 0 to memory NOT cache 0 inv r0 4
0x90 addc Add to cache 0 Replaces existing data in cache 0 addc 3
0x91 subc Sub to cache 0 subc 3
0x92 mulc Mul to cache 0 mulc 3
0x93 divc Div to cache 0 divc 3
0x94 andc Bitwise And to cache 0 andc 3
0x95 orc Bitwise Or to cache 0 orc 3
0x96 xorc Bitwise Xor to cache 0 xorc 3
0x97 invc Invert cache 0 to cache 0 invc 3
0x18 0x18 mov Copy data Register to register mov r0, r1 7
0x98 imov Copy data Immediate imov d0, r0 6
0x20 0x20 false Skip if (false) Never skips 2
0x21 gr Skip if (cache 0 > cache 1) Signed. Skips two instructions gr 3/2
0x22 eq Skip if (cache 0 == cache 1) eq 3/2
0x23 ge Skip if (cache 0 >= cache 1) ge 3/2
0x24 le Skip if (cache 0 < cache 1) le 3/2
0x25 ne Skip if (cache 0 != cache 1) ne 3/2
0x26 leq Skip if (cache 0 <= cache 1) leq 3/2
0x27 true Skip if (true) Always skips 3
0xa0 false 2
0xa1 ugr Unsigned ugr 3/2
0xa2 ueq ueq 3/2
0xa3 uge uge 3/2
0xa4 ule ule 3/2
0xa5 une une 3/2
0xa6 uleq uleq 3/2
0xa7 true 3
0x28 0x28 jmp Jump Address saved in register jmp r0 4
0xa8 ijmp Immediate ijmp d0 4
0x00 0x00 drp Do nothing Does nothing 2