
Windows GUI multiple window synchronization using pyqtSignal

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • Windows GUI application developed using PyQt5.
  • It demonstrates the synchronization of multiple windows using pyqtSignal.
  • Inspired by the work of Bjørn Staal.




  • Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/aniketrajnish/MultiWindowSync-PyQt.git
  • Open Terminal and change directory to the script's folder.
    cd <path-to-repo>\src
  • Install Dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the main script
    python MultiWindowTest.py
  • Use your own image/GIF.
    File -> Open Image/GIF
  • In case you don't wanna go through all of this hassle, I've added an executable file in the Releases Section that you can directly try on your machine.


Contributions to the project are welcome. Currently working on:

  • Expanding the environment to 3D using PyOpenGL.
  • Fix the bug where the parent image window always moves the image along with it for ref to other windows even if Move With Window is unchecked.


MIT License