
This app is a job board application inspired in indeed, where companies can post new jobs, and cadidates can apply to the jobs.

MIT LicenseMIT


Project Overview

This project is a job board application inspired on indeed.com. Where the main goal is to allow companies to post their opening job opportunites, and the candidates to apply for them.



  • Clone the repository with all submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/buemura/deedni.git

Frontend Repository

  • After cloned the repository, install all the dependencies using the commands below:
cd deedni-frontend
npm install

Backend Repository

  • After cloned the repository, install all the dependencies using the commands below:
cd deedni-backend
npm install
  • Create a .env file in the root of the project. You can copy from .env.example and change the DATABASE_URL to a database your own.


Backend Deployment

  • To run the backend application in the local environment, use the command below:
cd deedni-backend
npm run docker:up
  • This command will start the PostgreSQL, as well as 3 instances of the API and also an instance of Nginx on docker.


  • To run the frontend application in the local environment, use the command below:
cd deedni-frontend
npm run dev


  • After all apps are up, go to your browser and access the URL


  • As a candidate you can see all the job positions available, you can also search for a specific job title or location.
  • As a candidate you can apply to a job. But in order to do that you will need to login as a candidate first.
  • As an employer you can add new job opportunities available
  • As an employer you can see the candidates that applied to your job opportunity.
  • As an employer you can change the job position status to a closed.

Technologies Used

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram

General Technologies

  • Docker
  • Nginx

Backend Technologies

  • NestJS
  • TypeScript
  • Prisma
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis

Frontend Technologies

  • ViteJS
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • Zustand

API Documentation

  • With backend running, you can access the URL http://localhost:8080/api/docs to see the Swagger API Documentation.


Bruno Hideki Uemrua