
Node.js Open-Source Slack alternative

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MIT License



First start

  • set up configuration file /config
  • run $ node debug.js (development) or $ node release.js (production)
  • open
  • sign in user: info@totaljs.com, password: 123456 (credentials are stored in /databases/users.json)

How do I translate Messenger?

  • install Total.js as global module npm install -g total.js
  • then open Messenger directory cd messenger
  • then perform this command totaljs --translate
  • translate translated file translate.resource
  • and copy the content to /resources/default.resource
  • run app

How can I extend messenger independently?


F.on('messenger.open', function(controller, client) {
    // open client

F.on('messenger.close', function(controller, client) {
    // disconnected client

F.on('messenger.data', function(controller, client, data) {
    // RAW data from websocket
    // data === OBJECT

F.on('messenger.message', function(controller, client, message) {
    // New message
    // message === OBJECT

// How to send a message?
options = {};

options.iduser = 'ID USER WHICH SENDS MESSAGE';
options.target = 'channel'; // or "user"
options.idtarget = 'idchannel' // or "iduser"
options.body = 'MARKDOWN MESSAGE'; // how to perform like? just send ":thumbs-up:" in body
options.secret = false; // is the message a secret message?

options.id = 'ID MESSAGE'; // for editing of an existing message
options.users = ['iduser1', 'iduser2']; // optional, which users can by notified? (works with channels only)
options.files = [{ name: 'filename', url: 'url to download' }]; // optional, (it serves for file browser only)

OPERATION('send', options, function(err, response) {


ON('messager.ready', function() {
    // messenger is ready

ON('messenger.message', function(message) {
    // message === OBJECT

ON('messenger.send', function(message) {


// You can register event
ON('messenger.render', function(message) {
    // message.message  - instance of retrieved message
    // message.html     - rendered HTML (can be modified)

    // Example:
    message.html = message.html.replace(/\,/g, ' --- ');

// How to send a message to the server via WebSocket?
SETTER('websocket', 'send', OBJECT);

HTML Formatting

+v2.0.0. Administrators have disabled xss protection, so each admin can inject a raw HTML into the markdown directly, example:

Only administrators can inject HTML directly via:

