
Django package for loader.io

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Django app that makes it easy to verify your application against loader.io by allowing you to specify your loader.io verification token in the Django admin interface.


  1. Add "loaderio" to your INSTALLED_APPS in your Django settings:

  2. Include the loaderio URLconf in your project urls.py:

    url('^$', include('loaderio.urls'))
  3. Update your database schema with the new models:

    python manage.py syncdb


Once installed, the admin interface will have a Loaderio section with Validation models. Add a new validation model and specify your loader.io token (e.g., loaderio-28016b04fdb0ed4ea066ecec5a19c1ad).

That's all you need to do. Your Django site should now respond to requests against /<your loader.io token> (e.g., /loaderio-28016b04fdb0ed4ea066ecec5a19c1ad).