
Openshift template for backup cronjob of specific postgres db

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Simple Backup Postgres DB


The Postgres DB backup uses the cronjob functionality of OpenShift to start a pod in regular intervals. The pod dumps a specific database (with a drop and create statement) to a persistent volume and exits.

This tool uses an existing RedHat Postgres DB container and overrides its command. There is no need to build a container.

The project contains two templates:

  • postgres-backup-template.yaml
  • postgres-backup-template-with-icinga.yaml

As the names are stating the second template has also an implementation with a monitoring support from icinga. More about the monitoring can be found int the section Monitoring

How to deploy the postgres DB backup pod


  • Log in using oc login
  • Switch to the right project using oc project <yourproject>

Create a pv for the backup

I would recommend to use the GUI for this part.

Take a look at the parameters of the template

oc process --parameters -f postgres-backup-template.yaml

The following parameters are mandatory:


Create the cronjob

oc process -f postgres-backup-template-with-icinga.yaml DATABASE_USER=<dbuser> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<dbpassword> DATABASE_HOST=<dbhost> DATABASE_PORT=<dbport> DATABASE_NAME=<dbname> DATABASE_BACKUP_VOLUME_CLAIM=<pvc-claim-name> ICINGA_USERNAME=<icinga-user> ICINGA_PASSWORD=<icinga-password> ICINGA_SERVICE_URL=<icinga-service-url> | oc create -f -

You can also store the template in the project using and oc process afterwards

oc create -f postgres-backup-template.yaml
oc process postgres-backup-template DATABASE_USER=<dbuser> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<dbpassword> ... | oc create -f -

To check if the cronjob is present:

oc get cronjob


To disable the backup, you can simply suspend the cronjob:

oc edit cronjob postgres-backup

Find the attribute suspend and set the value to true

To restore the backup you start a backup pod (e.g. in debug mode) connect to the pod and use:

oc rsh postgres-backup-[xyz]-debug
psql --username=db-user> --password --host=<host> postgres < <path-to-backupfile> (the backupfile has to be unpacked)

HINT: The database postgres is default installed. For the backup it is required to name a database. As the backupfile will recreate the database this should have no impact.

The User used to do the restore must have at least CREATEDB privileges: ALTER ROLE <user> WITH CREATEDB


In the template postgres-backup-template-with-icinga.yaml an passive incinga service is monitoring the backup. Should the bash script (responsible for the backup) throw an error at any point during the executing the notification will not be sent to icinga. The passive service checks periodically if a notification was received. If not the service will update its status. The following parameters are used for the monitoring: