- Description
- Installation
- Assemble files
- CAPASM Assembler command line parameters
- NCAS Assembler command line parameters
- Create LIF image files for Series 80 computers
- Create LIF images for the HP-75
- LIF image file creator command line parameters
- Add LEX file headers to assembled LEX files
- Create ROM image files
- Create custom global symbol tables
- Convert Series 80 Assembler files
- Known Issues
- Release Notes
- License
- Acknowledgements
CAPASM is a software suite primary intended for programmers who would like to assemble ROM or LEX files for the Series 80 desktop or the HP-75 handheld computers.
Essential part of the software suite are the assemblers:
- capasm which is almost compatible to the assembler of the HP-83/85 Assembler ROM and the HP-86/87 Assembler ROM. See the CAPASM Assembler language description for details.
- ncas which implements language elements to facilitate the assembly of source code written for the karma assembler. The karma assembler was used by HP for the development of the HP-75 system ROMs. See the NCAS Assembler language description for details.
In addition, the CAPASM suite provides tools to post-process the assembled object files to LEX, LIF image or ROM files in order to use the assembled files in emulators or "real" hardware.
The CAPASM software is entirely written in Python3 and was successfully tested on LINUX, macOS and Windows 10.
See the Installation Instructions for details.
The lex85 subdirectory of this repository contains the sample HP-85 LEX file ftoc.asm from the HP-83/85 Assembler ROM manual. To assemble this file type:
capasm ftoc.asm
This assembles the file ftoc.asm and creates a binary object file ftoc.bin. Any error messages are printed to the terminal.
To get a list file type:
capasm ftoc.asm -l ftoc.lst
This creates a list file ftoc.lst with the default symbol table. To get a symbol table with a cross-reference use the -r 2 option:
capasm ftoc.asm -l ftoc.lst -r 2
Note: The default base of addresses in the list file is octal.
If not specified, the name of the binar object file is the name of the source file with the extension .bin. You can specify a different binary object file name with the -b option:
capasm ftoc.asm -l ftoc.lst -b result.bin -r 2
The ncas assembler is called in the same way. The default base for addresses in ncase assembly list files is hexadecimal. The lex75 subdirectory contains sample assembler source files for ncas.
You get a description of the command line parameters if you type:
capasm -h
usage: capasm [-h] [-b BINFILE] [-l LISTFILE] [-g GLOBALSYMBOLFILE]
[-r {0,1,2}] [-p PAGESIZE] [-w WIDTH] [-c] [-x]
[-s {6,7,8,9,10,11,12}]
An assembler for the Hewlett Packard Capricorn CPU (Series 80 and HP-75)
positional arguments:
sourcefile source code file (required)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BINFILE, --binfile BINFILE
binary object code file (default: sourcefilename with
suffix .bin)
-l LISTFILE, --listfile LISTFILE
list file (default: no list file)
global symbol file. Use either the built-in symbol
table names {"85","87","75","none"} or specify a file
name for a custom table (default: none)
-r {0,1,2}, --reference {0,1,2}
symbol reference 0:none, 1:short, 2:full
-p PAGESIZE, --pagesize PAGESIZE
lines per page (default:66)
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
page width (default:80)
-c, --check activate additional checks
-d DEFINE, --define DEFINE
define conditional flag with value True
-x, --hex use hex output
-s {6,7,8,9,10,11,12}, --symnamelength {6,7,8,9,10}
maximum length of symbol names (default:6)
See https://github.com/bug400/capasm for details
capasm provides built-in global symbol tables for the HP-83/85, HP86/87 or HP-75 computers. The required symbol table is selected with the -g option. The naming of these tables is:
- 85 : symbol table for the HP-83/85
- 87 : symbol table for the HP-86/87
- 75 : symbol table for the HP-75
- none: use no symbol table (this is the default)
Alternatively you can provide the file path of a global symbol table which must be created with the capglo utility (see below). The file must have the extension ".py".
You can enable additional checks with the -c option. The assembler issues a warning if:
- A symbol defined in the source file has an other value or type than a global symbol of the same name
- R# is used as data register operand in literal immediate mode and the value of
the drp is unknown, e.g.:
LABELA ADM R#,1,2,3,4
You get a description of the command line parameters if you type:
ncas -h
usage: ncas [-h] [-b BINFILE] [-l LISTFILE] [-g GLOBALSYMBOLFILE] [-r {0,1,2}]
[-p PAGESIZE] [-w WIDTH] [-c] [-o]
An assembler for the Hewlett Packard HP-75
positional arguments:
sourcefile source code file (required)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BINFILE, --binfile BINFILE
binary object code file (default: sourcefilename with
suffix .bin
-l LISTFILE, --listfile LISTFILE
list file (default: no list file)
global symbol file. Use either the built-in symbol table
names {"85","87","75","none"} or specify a file name for
a custom table (default: 75)
-r {0,1,2}, --reference {0,1,2}
symbol reference 0:none, 1:short, 2:full (default:1)
-p PAGESIZE, --pagesize PAGESIZE
lines per page (default: 66)
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
page width (default:80)
-c, --check activate additional checks
-d DEFINE, --define DEFINE
define conditional flag with value True
-o, --oct use octal output
See https://github.com/bug400/capasm for details.
ncas uses the built-in HP-75 global symbol table per default. You may override this with the -g option to use not any or another symbol table. Custom symbol tables must be created with the capglo command (see below). This file must have the extension .py.
Regarding the extended checks option see the chapter above.
To store the assembled LEX file ftoc.bin into an Upload LIF image file type:
caplif ftoc.bin
This creates a LIF image file ftoc.dat that has a LIF file system where the file ftoc.bin is stored with the default file name WS_FILE and the file type 0xE008 (BPGM Binary Program). This Upload LIF image has a nonstandard volume header and is inteded for use with the HP-85/85B787 Emulator of Everett Kaser.
caplif can not insert multiple input files into an upload LIF image file.
You can specify a different file name for the Upload LIF image file with the -l option:
caplif ftoc.bin -l disk0.dat
You can define another name for the LIF directory entry than WS_FILE as well:
caplif ftoc.bin -l disk0.dat -f ftoc
The file name specified with the -f parameter is converted to uppercase.
For the LIF directory entries the following rules apply:
- The maximum length is 8 charaters
- The file name must begin with a character
- The remaining characters must be letters, digits or underscores - underscores are allowed for the Series 80 only!
Upload LIF images for the HP-75 are created in almost the same manner as for the Series 80 computers. However, the command line parameter -m 75 is required for capasm and caplif.
caplif adds an HP-75 RAM file header to the assembled LEX file and stores it in the file system of the Upload LIF image with the file type 0xE089 (HP75 LEX file). The default file name in the directory entry is the name of the binary object file without suffix. This Upload LIF image file has a standard volume header and can be used with the EMU-75 Emulator of J-F Garnier.
You get a description of the command line parameters if you type:
caplif -h
usage: caplif [-h] [-m {75,85,87}] [-l LIFIMAGEFILENAME] [-f FILENAME] binfile
Utility to put an assembled binary file into an import LIF image file
positional arguments:
binfile binary object code file (required)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m {75,85,87}, --machine {75,85,87}
Machine type (default=85)
name of the Upload LIF image file (default: objectfile
name with suffix .dat)
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
name of the LIF directory entry (default: WS_FILE for
Series 80, deduced from object file name for HP-75)
See https://github.com/bug400/capasm for details.
The caplex utility adds a LEX file header to an assembled Series 80 LEX file. If the -m 75 parameter is specified, an HP-75 RAM file header and a LEX file header is put in front of the assembled lex file. The program operates the same way as the caplif utility.
The caprom tool converts an assembled binary file to a ROM image. An appropriate ROM header must be present in the assembled binary file. The size of the ROM image file must be specified. caprom fills up the assembled binary file to the size of the ROM image and creates the appropriate checksum(s). This is supported for HP-83/85, HP-87 and HP-75 ROM image files. The ROM type is determined from the ROM header in the assembled binary file.
Use caprom -h for a description of parameters.
A custom global symbol table is a text file which only has DAD or EQU definitions. The capglo utility converts this file into a global symbol table which can be fed to the assembler with the -g option.
If you have a custom global symbol source file myglobal.glo then:
capglo myglobal.glo
creates the global symbol table file myglobal.py. This file is a Python file, therefore:
- Do not change the suffix .py of that file
- Do not edit the content of the file.
To use this global symbol table to assemble the file sample.asm type:
capasm sample.asm -g myglobal.glo
The capconv utility can convert binary global symbol data files or tokenized Series 80 assembler source files to text files. See capconv -h for details how to invoke this tool. Note: Since the capasm software suite does not support the Series 80 character set, the result files must be revised if any characters exist in the file which are not in the code range (0x20-0x7A, 0x7C).
The global symbol file for the HP-75 contains a couple of duplicate entries (see the file duplicateSymbols.txt in the symbols directory). The last entry is used in each case.
The ncas assembler is still in beta phase. Processing faulty assembler files has not been tested sufficiently.
See the Release Notes for details.
CAPASM is published under the GNU General Public License v2.0 License (see LICENSE file).
A special acknowledgement goes to Everett Kaser. He formerly wrote the HP-83/85 Assembler ROM software which is a heroic deed compared to writing an assembler in Python without any constraints concerning memory or CPU speed.
On his website you can download his HP85/HP87 emulator and a powerful disassembler (CAPDIS) for the Capricorn CPU. His documentation Understanding how the HP85 Works from the Inside, the source files he disassembled from the ROM binaries and his warm support were essential for me to get this software done.