Iterative SENSE solves linear problem $E\hat{m}=b$ as a least square minization $\min_m|Em-b|_2^2$. Applying the gradient descent method, the iterative SENSE algorithm is given by solving $\min_m|(E^HE)m-E^Hb|_2^2$. Where $E=UFC$
SALSA (split augmented Lagrangian shrinkage algorithm) algorithm is a fast and robust algorithm for solving formulations of a unconstrained optimization problem with a non-smooth regularization term. SALSA is based on variable splitting and augmented lagrangian methods.
The CS reconstruction problem is formulated as follows:
Where $E=UF$ is the forward operator for image to k-space and undersampling, $b$ is the undersampled k-space data, $m$ is the image to be reconstructed, $\theta$ is the auxiliary variable introduced by the variable splitting method, $\Phi$ is the regularization term (Total Variation), and $\lambda$ is the regularization parameter.