
Ansible role to install and maintain the Bind9 nameserver on Debian

Primary LanguageJinjaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ansible role to install and maintain the Bind9 nameserver on Debian

Build Status Ansible Galaxy

This role installs and configures the Bind9 nameserver on Debian.


  • Support for configuring an authoritative nameserver for DNS zones and/or a DNS recursor
  • Extensive DNSSEC support:
    • automatic KSK and ZSK key creation
    • automatic zone DNSSEC configuration
    • support to send DNSKEY/DS formatted output over XMPP
  • Support for hidden primary and authoritative secondary configuration
  • Support for so called "static" zones, i.e. zones defined uploading their raw .db bind file
  • Validity check of zone files with named-checkzone
  • Basic support for so called "dynamic" zones, i.e. defined from variables yaml variables sets

Basic server configuration

Master server

  • set vars for your master server, for instance in host_vars/master_name/vars/XX_bind.yml, here with an example.com static zones and forwarder:
bind9_authoritative: yes
- { name: example.com , type=master }
bind9_forward: yes
- slave_ip_1
- slave_ip_2
- slave_ip_3
- slave_ip_1
- slave_ip_2
- slave_ip_3
  • Place your BIND zone file in ansible directory (not in role directory): `files/bind/zones/db.example.com

Slave servers

  • set vars for your slave servers:
- { name: example.com, type: slave }
bind9_forward: yes
- { name: master_name, addresses: [master_ip] }
bind9_recursor: our_network

Dynamic zones

So called "dynamic" zones' records are defined through YAML ansible variable bind9_zones_dynamic which is parsed by bind/zones/db.template.j2 template. As there can be several zones, and zone definitions can be long, zone vars are worthily defined in a different vars file, for instance host_vars/master_name/vars/YY_zones.yml. bind9_zones_dynamic can be split in several variables, which can be defined in specific files, as in the example below.

In YY_zones.yml we may have:

bind9_zones_dynamic: >
        {{ zones_my_domains
        | union ( zone_my_reverse_inaddr_arpa )
        | union ( zone_my_reverse_ip6_arpa ) }}

# bind9_zone_static:  zone files copied from `files/bind/zones/`

- name: static_dom.org
  type: master
- name: static_dom2.org
  type: master
- name: static_dom3.org
  type: slave

And in other vars files:

# This is the variables set for my domain
- name: dyn_domain.org
  type: master
  default_ttl: 600
  serial: 2022050501
  refresh: 1D
  retry: 2H
  expire: 1000H
  # NS and other pre-formatted records values must be given as full qualified domain names, with or without final dot, but not relative to the zone
  primary: ns1.dyn_domain.org         # Optional, if you don't define it, firs NS is taken 
  admin: postmaster.dyn_domain.org
  - ns1.dyn_domain.org
  - ns2.dyn_domain.org
  # RR values are either relative to the zone, either with a final dot when outside.
  - {label: "@", type: MX, rdata: 10 mail}
  - {label: webmail, type: CNAME, rdata: mail}
  - {label: "@", type: A, rdata:}
  - {label: "@", type: AAAA, rdata: 2001:db8:6a::95}
  - {label: www, type: CNAME, rdata: webserver.dyn_domain.org.}
  - {label: mail, type: A, rdata:}
  - {label: mail, type: AAAA, rdata: 2001:db8:6a::22}
  - {label: webserver, ttl: 86400, type: A, rdata:}
  - {label: webserver, ttl: 86400, type: AAAA, rdata: 2001:db8:6a::23}

And similarly zone_my_reverse_inaddr_arpa and zone_my_reverse_ip6_arpa for IP reverse DNS resolution. Note that we adopted for generic NS records the terminology defined in RFC 1034, Section 3.6

  • deploy role to your servers


For the XMPP notification feature, python-xmpp needs to be installed.

Role varibles

See defaults/main.yml for a list of role variables.

Testing & Development


For developing and testing the role we use Github Actions, Molecule and Vagrant. On the local environment you can easily test the role with

Run local tests with:

molecule test 


This Ansible role is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.


Copyright 2017-2020 systemli.org (https://www.systemli.org/)