This toolbox includes general networking and admin tools, nano and vim text editors, rsync for backup, git and many tools geared towards performance metric gathering and debugging: Some of these tools include generic ones like htop, dstat, atop; more specific tools like iostat, iotop, pidstat and mpstat; network oriented tools like tcpdump, iftop, iperf and the iproute2 tools; and strace/ltrace for tracing. These are added to the tiny base install of Alpine, keeping the whole image as small as possible.
file atop htop ltrace strace
sysstat bridge-utils ca-certificates
iftop iperf iproute2 net-tools nmap tcpdump
bash bash-completion gettext logrotate ncurses nano
ncdu hdparm screen pciutils psmisc tree
speedtest-cli shadow dstat pv sslscan
git coreutils grep dig python2
Check the dockerfile for the complete list of tools.
sudo cat > ~/.toolboxrc << "EOF"
Initialize the toolbox:
docker run -it --name toolbox -v /:/media/root --ipc=host --net=host --pid=host chriswayg/toolbox
Run a command: docker exec toolbox dig
Enter the toolbox: docker start -ia toolbox
Inside of the toolbox, the machine's filesystem is mounted to /media/root