
An advanced, cross platform, feature-rich terminal made with ❤️

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Super Terminal

Manage Terminals Easy! And Save Time!

  1. Do you find opening the terminal after reboot boring?
  2. Do you work on multiple folders, like monorepo or full stack projects, in parallel?
  3. Do you need environment variables always in some project?
  4. Is running a project requires you to run multiple commands in different folders and you wanna automate that?
  5. Do you want to open terminal from other machine over LAN using HTTP?

In Action


Super Terminal is a terminal manager for developers who dont like repetition and work fast. If saving time is the basic decision maker for your actions then super terminal might suite you well.


  1. Restoration of terminal with logs after reboot
  2. Fit Terminals on Screen with a single click
  3. Ability to run command at start while opening the project like git config --user.name
  4. Run project with one click
  5. Set Environment Variables once and never again
  6. Clone Terminal with same current directory, env variables
  7. Ability to group related terminals together under 1 project within view.
  8. Themes can be applied: https://windowsterminalthemes.dev/
  9. Easily enter multiline commands like curl by double clicking on any temrinal
  10. Works with oh my zsh
  11. Save frequent commands as shell scripts and execute with a click.

Upcoming Features

  1. Tab View Support
  2. Search in terminal log archives
  3. Save State option: This option will allow to capture env variable and cwd from inside the terminal whenever dev will require.


Available for Linux, Windows and Mac.

Please go to latest release: Latest Release

NOTE: If Apple Silicon build fails to run then please run the below command after extracting the zip

sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine SuperTerminal.app


npm i super-terminal

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