
This is a small server for use with Nginx's auth_request module.

It's meant for a quick and simple auto-auth - basically, the first login will create and save a user in redis. Subsequent logins will actually auth against the stored password hash.

It requires Nginx compiled with Lua support, such as found in OpenResty. It also requires the following lua modules:

  • luaposix
  • etlua
  • luafilesystem

install + use

Just git clone this repository somewhere.

From there, you can install the needed lua modules however you regularly do.

If you install them into a folder named lua_modules, then the script bin/redis-auth-server will use (and only use) modules found under that folder. For example, after cloning you could run:

luarocks install --tree lua_modules luaposix
luarocks install --tree lua_modules etlua
luarocks install --tree lua_modules luafilesystem

Make a copy of etc/config.lua.example to etc/config.lua and edit as-needed, then run bin/redis-auth-server.

By default, all temp files, compiled config files, etc are placed at $HOME/.redis-auth-server - this can be changed by setting the work_dir variable in etc/config.lua

To run as a service, there's an example systemd unit file at misc/redis-auth-server.service:

sudo cp misc/redis-auth-server.service /etc/systemd/system/redis-auth-server.service
# edit /etc/systemd/system/redis-auth-server.service as needed
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable redis-auth-server.service
sudo systemctl start redis-auth-server.service


Released under an MIT-style license. See the file LICENSE for details.

The file resty/redis.lua also has an MIT-style license, see the file LICENSE-lua-resty-redis for details.