
Our implementation of BFS

Primary LanguageCuda

Graph 500 Implementation

Graph500 is a graph-related supercomputer benchmark.


The summary of Graph 500 is:

  • First kernel constructs an undirected graph.
  • Second kernel performs a breadth-first search of the graph.


More information about Graph 500's implementation is provided here.

  1. Generate the edge list.
  2. Construct a graph from the edge list (timed, kernel 1).
  3. Randomly sample 64 unique search keys with degree at least one, not counting self-loops.
  4. For each search key:
  • Compute the parent array (timed, kernel 2).
  • Validate that the parent array is a correct BFS search tree for the given search tree.
  1. Compute and output performance information.

Cluster Specs

We are using the following machines for running Graph 500 and our implementation of Graph 500.

Cluster CPU Cores Accelerator
6 x86 nodes Intel(R) Xeon (R) CPU 5140 @ 2.33 GHz 4 None

Detailed Explanation of Graph 500

  • [] Each edge is undirected. Each edge is given a tuple with the start vertex and end vertex.
  • [] No locality that can be exploited.
  • [] Randomized vertex numbers.
  • [] Random ordering of tuples.
  • [] Vertex names must be globally consistent.