
Hack Duke Fall 2014

Primary LanguagePHP

#FreeSpace ##find your study space

Submission to Hack Duke Fall 2014

Created by Andrew Buie, Austin McKee, and Logan Rooper

FreeSpace connects people and places. FreeSpace allows students to quickly and easily find open study spaces anywhere on campus. We use a combination of a distributed sensor network, live room reservation schedules, and machine learning to intelligently determine the current and upcoming state of every study space on campus. We protect this information by using Duke's directory streaming API. FreeSpace allows students to access this data through a native Android app and room status updates via text using Twilio. We are currently developing iOS and web applications.



  • Distributed sensor network
  • Native Android application
  • Backend support for live datastream using Firebase
  • Predictive graphs using machine learning
  • Current/future reservation status
  • Reserve now link
  • Pulls all live data from 25live
  • Uses duke directory streaming for user personalization
  • Uses Twilio to provide text message status updates for when rooms become available
