
We aim to build the most powerful Next-js Boilerplate. So, people don't have to write the code for same features again and again.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nextjs Boilerplate · GitHub license PRs Welcome

Welcome to the Next.js Open Source Boilerplate by Buildfast! This boilerplate is designed to kickstart your Next.js projects with a well-organized and extensible foundation.


✅ Email Login and Signup Using Next-Auth
✅ Stripe Subscription Payments
✅ Resend
✅ Social Logins
✅ Email Verification
✅ Forget Password
⏩ User Roles
⏩ 2FA
⏩ Admin Dashboard with multiple features
⏩ blogs

Tech Stack

Frontend: Shadcdn, Tailwind css

Framework: Nextjs, Prisma

Database: Mysql

Payment Gateway: Stripe


Contributions are always welcome!

See contributing.md for ways to get started.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.

Project structure

├── README.md                       # README file
├── .vscode                         # VSCode configuration for Debugging in local
├── contribution.md                 # Steps to follow to contribute to project
├── app                             # Next JS App (App Router)
│   └── api                         # api fuctions and routes
├── components                      # React components
│   └── internal                    # Internal Build Components
│   └── ui                          # Shadcdn Components
├── controllers                     # Handles Database Queries
├── data                            # Class Objects of data
├── helpers                         # Helper Classes - Repetative Functions
├── libs                            # 3rd party libraries configuration
├── next-auth                       # Next Auth Configration
├── prisma                          # Prisma Configration
├── public                          # Public assets folder
├── redux                           # Redux Store
├── utils                           # Utility Function Class
├── middleware.ts                   # Middleware Functionality code
├── tailwind.config.js              # Tailwind CSS configuration
└── tsconfig.json                   # TypeScript configuration

Getting Started

1. Clone the repo.

git clone https://github.com/buildFast10x/Nextjs-Boilerplate.git

2. Fill the .env variables

Here is the .env file example.

3. Setup the Database

npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push

4. Run Project

npm install
npm run dev