Infinispan Server Operator

Build Status

This is an Openshift operator to run and rule Infinispan.



Checkout sources under $GOPATH:

git clone $GOPATH/src/

cd $GOPATH/src/

The project has a self-documented Makefile. To see the available targets, execute make without any parameters.

make build will compile the operator.

Running the operator outside OKD

To launch the operator locally, pointing to a running OKD cluster, make sure OKD is started, e.g. with oc cluster up. Then run:

make run-local

(Optional) You can pass in KUBECONFIG to the task to specify the config location.

E.g., for OKD 3.11 started with oc cluster up, that'd be:

make run-local KUBECONFIG=/path/to/openshift.local.clusterup/openshift-apiserver/admin.kubeconfig

On other terminal, apply the resource template to instruct the operator to create a 3-node Infinispan cluster:

oc apply -f deploy/cr/cr_minimal.yaml

Check with oc get pods.

You can have fun and change the size parameter in deploy/cr/cr_minimal.yaml and apply it again to see the operator in action.

Publishing the Docker image

make push will build the image and push it to Dockerhub.

Running the operator inside OKD

To run the operator inside OKD, using the public image jboss/infinispan-operator :

Make sure OKD is started, e.g. with oc cluster up. Then run:

make run

(Optional) Specify the kube config path with the KUBECONFIG=/path/to/admin.kubeconfig cmd line arg

To create a cluster, apply

oc apply -f deploy/cr/cr_minimal.yaml

Custom Resource Definition

The Infinispan resource definition is detailed at infinispan-types.go.

Below are some example of creating different kinds of clusters:

Minimal custer

A cluster created using cloud.xml configuration can be created with:

kind: Infinispan
  name: example-minimal
  size: 3

Using an internal configuration

To point to any pre-existing configuration from Infinispan, for e.g. clustered.xml:

kind: Infinispan
  name: example-minimal
  name: clustered.xml
  size: 3

Using a config map

To use a file my-config.xml stored in a config map with name my-config-map as configuration:

kind: Infinispan
  name: example-infinispan
  sourceType: ConfigMap
  sourceRef:  my-config-map
  name: my-config.xml
  size: 3

Running tests

The Makefile has a goal for testing that can target a particular external running cluster. E.g:

To run tests against 3.11 clusters started with oc cluster up:

make test


make test KUBECONFIG=/path/to/openshift.local.clusterup/openshift-apiserver/admin.kubeconfig

in case the cluster was started in a different directory than the Makefile.

To run against 4.0.0 cluster:

make test KUBECONFIG=/tmp/openshift-dind-cluster/openshift/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig


To make a release, invoke:

make DRY_RUN=false RELEASE_NAME=X.Y.Z release