Web3 Glue for OceanDAO

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🤖 OceanDAO Bot

This bot pipes data from a few different sources, so we can efficiently report DAO-Related informaiton.

  • Make sure you have node and npm
  • npm install
  • Create a .env file with the following envs:

❓ How To: Access OceanDAO Airtable Data

Anyone can access the live data for OceanDAO. Design: Consider this a document-based DB.

You can view the Proposals Airtable through this link. This contains all proposals for each funding round, and all required params to execute voting + funding.

You can view the Funding Rounds Airtable through this link This contains all funding round params required to execute voting + funding OPS (Funding Started -> Voting Ended -> Declare Winners & Amounts.

You can use our Airtable API Endpoint via this link and access it via curl.

This bot sits on a cron, and updates Airtable to display a voting Leaderboard. Run the sync_airtable.js script using node inside the CLI.

user@vm:in/your/cli/DAOBot/$ node src/airtable/sync_airtable_active_proposal_votes.js >> log_sync_airtable_active_proposal_votes.csv

Airtable - Configure DAOBot to use your Airtable

Configure your AIRTABLE_API_KEY + AIRTABLE_BASEID to execute the airtable/db sync. user@vm:in/your/cli/DAOBot/$node src/airtable/sync_airtable_active_proposal_votes.js

GSheets - Point DAOBot to GSheet, get Vote Results

You can use DAOBot to dump votes from Snapshot, onto GSheets. You can instantly setup your GSheet, to render inside Notion.

This bot also connects with GSheets.

  1. Copy your credentials.json into DAOBot/ root
    user@vm:in/your/cli/DAOBot/$node src/gsheets/index.js
  2. Follow cli prompts. token.json should be generated
    user@vm:in/your/cli/DAOBot/$node src/gsheets/sync_gsheets_active_proposal_votes.js >> log_sync_gsheets_active_proposal_votes.csv

⏲️ CRON - Configure DAOBOT Crontab

The bash scripts located in the root /DAOBot/ directory should allow you to run the node sync-scripts, from cron.


  • From the command line enter: crontab -e
  • Execute your cron scripts relative to your /DAOBot/ path.
  • Your local node installation may be in a different path than what's inside the .sh scripts. Use which node.

Example Crontab - Sync every 2 minutes

* * * * * sh /DAOBot/cron_update_funding_round.sh 2>&1
*/5 * * * * sh /DAOBot/cron_project_summary.sh 2>&1

RUN/CRON - DAOBot Main entry points

These are the scripts that you should run to execute DAOBt. More Coming... Read each script for more details.

  • src/airtable/sync_airtable_active_proposal_votes.js
  • src/gsheets/sync_gsheets_active_proposal_votes.js
  • src/snapshot/submit_snapshot_accepted_proposals.js

🏛 License

Copyright 2022 Ocean Protocol Foundation Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.