A python script used to create HDR photos from Adobe Lightroom and Photomatix Pro software automatically on Mac OS X.
This script was tested on OS X 10.8-10.10+ successfully.
- The script goes to the open Lightroom
- Creates two virtual copies of the selected photo (NB: you must be in Library module)
- Sets exposure to -2 on one virtual copy and +2 on another.
- Exports original and the copies to Photomatix Pro
- Creates an HDR using settings that are selected already
- Re-imports created image into LR
- Deletes virtual copies and sets Picked flag on the original image. Personally, i set a filter on library to only show unflagged images, so this last step hides the original image automatically
The script requires py-applescript to be installed.
You may need CLI Tools to install py-applescript*
In order for Lightroom to contact Photomatix Pro, you also need the LR plugin from Photomatix (on OS X it should be automatically installed when you install Photomatix Pro, but if not, see here)
Open Terminal app (/Application/Utilities)
Clone the repository. In terminal type:
git clone https://github.com/andreixk/LR-Photomatix-Pro
Open Adobe Lightroom©
Select the image you want to turn into an HDR.
Open Terminal and navigate to where you saved the script.
#e.g. if you saved it to your Downloads folder, type this:
cd ~/Downloads/LR-Photomatix-Pro
- Run the script:
python light.py
press enter and watch the magic happen.
*To install CLI tools run this command in terminal: xcode-select --install