
Pinecil interface python library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Automated lint and tests

Pinecil V2 interface library


Pinecil is a lightweight Python library designed to inetrafce with Pinecil V2 soldering iron.


  • Python 3.9 or higher
  • bluez


pip install pinecil

Usage Example

A complete from-scratch example:

from pinecil import find_pinecils # if running in a cloned repo, use `from src.pinecil`
import asyncio

async def main():
    devices = await find_pinecils()
    iron = devices[0]
    await iron.connect()
    settings = await iron.get_all_settings()
    await iron.set_one_setting('SetTemperature', 250)
    await iron.save_to_flash() # this is required to preserve settings after powering off
    info = await iron.get_info()
    live = await iron.get_live_data()

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you already know the address of your pinecil, you can use it directly:

from pinecil import BLE, Pinecil
import asyncio

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = Pinecil(BLE('<your-address>'))

To find addresses of all pinecils nearby:

from pinecil import find_device_addresses
import asyncio

if __name__ == '__main__':


poetry shell
pytest -v
# for development convenience:
ptw --runner 'pytest -v'

Publish to test.pypi

You will need a PyPi token first: https://test.pypi.org/manage/account/token/

poetry config repositories.test-pypi https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
poetry config pypi-token.test-pypi pypi-XXXXXXXX
poetry build
poetry publish -r test-pypi




  • ValueOutOfRangeException: Attempting to set a settings value that is out of range.
  • InvalidSettingException: Setting does not exist.
  • DeviceNotFoundException: Indicates the device was not found.
  • DeviceDisconnectedException: Indicates the device was disconnected.

Classes and Functions

Class: Pinecil

  • Constructor: __init__(self, ble: BLE): Initializes Pinecil with BLE instance.
  • Properties:
    • is_connected -> bool: True if Pinecil is connected.
  • Methods:
    • connect(self): Connects to Pinecil.
    • get_all_settings(self) -> Dict[str, int]: Retrieves all settings.
    • set_one_setting(self, setting: str, value: int): Sets a single setting - does not save to flash.
    • save_to_flash(self): Saves all settings to flash.
    • get_info(self) -> Dict[str, str]: Retrieves basic Pinecil info.
    • get_live_data(self) -> Dict[str, int]: Retrieves live data.

Class: BLE

  • Constructor: __init__(self, address: str): Initializes BLE device wrapper.
  • Properties:
    • is_connected -> bool: True if connected to the device.
  • Methods:
    • ensure_connected(self): Connects to the device if not connected (does nothing if connected)
    • get_services(self) -> List[str]: Gets list of services.
    • get_characteristics(self, service_uuid: str) -> List[BleakGATTCharacteristic]: Gets characteristics of a service.
    • read_characteristic(self, handle: BleakGATTCharacteristic) -> bytes: Reads value of a characteristic
    • write_characteristic(self, handle: BleakGATTCharacteristic, value: bytes): Writes value to a characteristic.

Function: find_device_addresses

  • Description: Finds devices matching a given name and returns their UUIDs
  • Returns: List[str]: List of device addresses.

Function: find_pinecils

  • Description: Finds nearby pinecils and returns their list.
  • Returns: List[Pinecil]: List of found device instances.