- andyward@xBimTeam
- aothms
- atomczak@buildingSMART
- bekraft@Bitub
- bSI-TechnicalbuildingSMART International
- CBenghiUnited Kingdom
- daniel-augusto
- eemailme
- hbellCatenda AS
- jakob-beetzRWTH Aachen University
- JesusbillAether Engineering
- jetgeoNorwegian Mapping Authority, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- jhcloos
- jmirtschGeometry Gym Pty Ltd
- klacoleTASK Immobilien Software GmbH
- kurb70A-NULL Development GmbH
- mladvladimirBelgrade, Serbia
- NickNisbetAEC3
- pbourreau@nobatek
- petrisch
- ricardynonBIM - Technology
- rubendecuypere
- SSeelosHörmann
- SugliaPompilioMilano
- theoryshaw@OpeningDesign
- TimSharrock
- TLiebichAEC3 Deutschland GmbH
- udichev
- y-schatzHES-SO Genève
- Zhuangkh