This is an Keil uVision5 library using stm32fvgt6x microcontroller to BC Sensor Series If you are using a different processor, you must check its pin connection.
- Processor : STM32F4VGT6
- UTILITY : STM32CubeMX, HAL Library
- Integrated Development Environment(IDE) : Keil uVision5
- /Examples - Example project file for the library (/MDK-ARM/(file_name).uvprojx). Run these from the Keil.
- /Extra - Illust and photo.
- /Inc - Header files for the library (.h).
- /Src - Sorce files for the library (.c).
- BC_Sensor_Series - the BC Sensor Series(BCDPDC100, BCHTS4085, BCALS083K, BCACC316G, BCAQS1187) for Keil.
- BCACC316G - the BCACC316G Sensor(ADXL343_3axis accelerometer) for Keil.
- BCALS083K - the BCALS083K Sensor(OPT3001_Q1_Ambient Light Sensor) for Keil.
- BCAQS1187 - the BCAQS1187 Sensor(CSS811_Air Quality Sensor) for Keil.
- BCDPDC100 - the BCDPDC100 Sensor(TMD2671_Digital Proximity Detector) for Keil.
- BCHTS4085 - the BCHTS4085 Sensor(HDC2010_Temperature and Humidity Sensor) for Keil.
Step 1 Remove
Removing resistance on Resistor selection field
Step 2 Solder
Solder the resistor(0 Ω) to the desired address
Step 3 Edit Code
Edit code the address value defined in .uvprojx file. For example.
//#define BCHTS4085_ADDR 0x40 //HDC2010 #define BCHTS4085_ADDR 0x41 //HDC2010
See Library Tested Conditions and check your development environment. Then, Please follow these steps.
Step 1 Download
Download the most recent version of the library from our git site
Step 2 Check your circuit
We used UART3 pin(PC10-rx, PC11-tx), I2C pin(PB10-SCL, PB11-SDA). Then, Check your own processor datasheet and change your circuit, source code.
Step 3 Select the example
Select the example of the sensor module you own. Project file path is /Examples/(sensorName)/MDK-ARM/(sensorName).uvprojx
Step 4 Build the example
Build target files and Download code to flash memory. You can get your sensor data by using any terminal program.